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  1. pyro383

    OT: Where are all of you guys from?

    Suffolk county long island
  2. pyro383

    Black Sun Coral Pic:)

    Hey Gen, where on LI are you? I know a fellow reefer who can get them for you at $25. Reach me at if interested
  3. pyro383

    horseshoe crabs

    I have 2 also and have not seen a depletion of any fauna in the sandbed.
  4. pyro383

    Mods Help Can't Open Pages in New Window

    change it back
  5. pyro383

    4Sale NYC

    Has anyone heard back from this guy?
  6. pyro383

    Cowfish question

    I had the boxfish version which is "less chance to be poisonous" I petted mine all the time during feeding and he had to problems
  7. pyro383

    4Sale NYC

    I am on LI in suffolk county. No the rock is for a friend who has a 120.
  8. pyro383

    Warning: To All Lawnmower Blenny Owners

    I just don't understand why no one covers their open top tank. How hard is it to go to a hardware store and pick up a linear diffuser aka egg crate. $6 dollars, and 10min to cut it to fit the top. I have mine broken down to 4 strips that fit the inside lip of the tank and each section goes to...
  9. pyro383

    Cowfish question

    I had one that was white with blk. spots. I gave him away and the choice is yours now: Do you feed him your snails and hermits? I could't afford to feed him mine. He also ate my starfish. In the begining they were all fine, but after 3 months he took a likeing to them
  10. pyro383

    4Sale NYC

    I have posted and sent you a email Justin, haven't heard back from you.
  11. pyro383

    I Finally Have Pics!

    Usually it needs a few days to open up and adjust to your tanks conditions. Some corals adapt within hours while others have taken a few weeks.
  12. pyro383

    Power Head Placement in 90 Gallon?

    It also depends on what corals require, case in point is the sun coral likes alot of water movement but a gorgorian likes a gently sway. I just moved 1 of the powerheads to blow directly on the suncoral and it loves it, all polyps extend.
  13. pyro383

    powerheads .. which powerheads are best how to position them?

    does the ocean stop its current? No, but say you have 3 ph going, you may want to put 1 on a timer so that some current slows down for when the fishies sleep at night, remember they have more places to hide in the ocean than your reef.
  14. pyro383

    4Sale NYC

    i also want to sell my live rock 125 pds for 120. If still available I know I have a buyer for that. Please email me.
  15. pyro383

    Power Heads

    What information are you looking for?
  16. pyro383

    flower pot help needed

    Yes, a person here does it for their sun coral, now the flowerpot is almost like a gorgorian correct. From what I understand is it should not need alot light like a mh and the reefer I bought it from states that. He has kept them both in his home and at his store in med. light
  17. pyro383

    Just got my order in and dont need most of it

    Go to a crafstore like Michaels and they have all types of shells and you can see them beforehand
  18. pyro383

    Powerhead question

    I have a 27.11 rate of turnover from 3 powerheads, filter and skimmer
  19. pyro383


    A boxfish may be of interest to you, however they nip at snails, hermits and starfish but leave corals alone. I gave mine away the other day because of the nipping. Very cool and personable
  20. pyro383


    A majority of them have a plastic strainer assortment