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  1. pyro383

    Feather Dusters

    you can bury the end in the sand, or put rock work around the tube. I have a bunch of rocks surrounding the two I have and they have attached themselves to it.
  2. pyro383


    I think its called New Age Aquarium located at 38th & 5th or so.
  3. pyro383

    Is this enough fish....

    First off that is too many fish to have in the tank. Next, that is not the proper way to cycle a tank. Finally, if you are going with a reef setup, you may want to go with sand instead of cc. The tank will need at least 3-4 weeks to cycle, maybe a bit less because of the live rock and sand if...
  4. pyro383

    My Cowfish don't wanna eat. What do I do??

    search for my posting on how to make your own food, this should get him going, as this was recommended on a cowfish site. Also garlic could work on his food to entice his appetite
  5. pyro383

    Are my Xenia dead or just adjusting?

    it also seems if there is too much calcium they retract quite a bit. I had 2 occasions where i had supersaturated calcium and my xenia went into withdrawl, wel they stayed small for over 2 full weeks, did a massive water change and they are coming back.
  6. pyro383

    Fish for smaller tanks (again..)

    You can keep the tang in there for a mere week. They grow pretty big and would outgrow that tank in no time. They need at min. a 55 to start.
  7. pyro383

    what protein skimmer

    The new & improved sea clones work pretty good and a great price.
  8. pyro383

    Duster threw up

    Could be the excretion of waste. Was it long and stringy, kinda grey in color. If you have any shrimp, they will ball it up and eat it.
  9. pyro383

    do you keep you protein skimmer on all of the time?

    There should be no reason to turn off the unit, even if you don't seem to be skimming anything at the moment.
  10. pyro383

    Feeding question.

    I guess that I am really over feeding as I feed twice a day about a 1/2 ice cube size each time (home made food) The food gets eaten within a 5 min period. Uneaten food makes it to the bottom for the cleanup crew. I am battaling algae (red) alot. However the boxfish needs this much food as...
  11. pyro383

    What goby/bleenie should I add

    Does the red lip sift sand? What is the one that uses a shell to cover his home at nite.
  12. pyro383

    What goby/bleenie should I add

    Thanks for the info so far. I would think there would be more people chiming in on this, what about engineer gobies, or blue dot jaws etc?
  13. pyro383

    What goby/bleenie should I add

    Looking to add this fish next. Looking for something that would be interesting to look at, not be hidden and has a quirk. Setup is listed below.
  14. pyro383

    Yellow Tang Craps 1000 times more than he should! Help?

    Well I have a boxfish that craps alot too :D. It looks like big ol sausage links about 2-3 inches long and hangs from his rear :eek: . He will continue to eat as it hangs and then swims real fast to try to break it off. Also he seeks out the cleaner shrimp who tears it off. I will get a pic...
  15. pyro383

    My Tank is all Cloudy

    Originally posted by thavngr98 just curious which one of the fish store here on the island did this? I want to make sure i dont have them help me. hehe . oh i went to that fishy inc store in bayshore. nice setup but the only opened up 3 weeks ago. they had nothing! none of there tanks look...
  16. pyro383

    which filter is better?

    No problems with mine
  17. pyro383

    New Protein Skimmer

    The bubbles shouldn't harm any fish, however I read that bubbles caught behing a fish's gill could suffocate them. Highly unlikely though
  18. pyro383

    Coral banded shrimp combatibility..

    Have had no problems with my setup
  19. pyro383

    New Protein Skimmer

    Are you hanging it on the back of the tank? This is what I did:(Have had it for 1 week) 1) It does need to build up a little bit of slime, give it a day or two. 2) Open the valve all the way and then screw it back a quarter to half turn (barely catches). Although this goes against the...
  20. pyro383

    What Inverts Go With Cleaner Shrimp?

    I have had no problems with my 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner and 1 cbs