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  1. demosthenes

    Adding More Lr?

    It all depends. If you are currently cycling something like 100 lbs, and then add something like 5-10, a small cycle may occur, but if you are cycling something like 50 lbs now, and add 25 or 50 lbs later, it will recycle completely. So, how much are you cycling now, and how much do you plan...
  2. demosthenes

    Lower Watt MH

    Well, I'm a little unsure as to what difference it makes? Then can I put a 175W on a 400W ballast?
  3. demosthenes

    Lower Watt MH

    I recently read in another post something about being able to place a lower-watt MH bulb in a higher-watt MH fixture. Such as placing a 175W bulb in a 400W fixture. I was just wondering if this was true, and whether there were any detrimental effects to this practice. If this is an actual...
  4. demosthenes

    need some info.. maybe someone can help?

    Arrow Crabs are typically inverts to be left out of home aquariums, or kept as the sole inhabitant. First of, some have been known to eat coral polyps, most eat BristleWorms, and all I have seen, try to eat any and all fish in the tank. If you read the profile for them here on, it...
  5. demosthenes

    Poor fish

    Originally posted by New@this ....anyway i want to try sponges and/or dusters..... Feather dusters should be fine for you to keep, but sponges are a little exotic in their care requirements. The only one's I've ever seen happen to be in very shaded undersides of LR, and they seem to require...
  6. demosthenes

    introducing new fish in tank? How should I do it

    I thought we were discussing the acclimation procedure from the bag to QT.:D No seriously, I just forgot to mention the QT.
  7. demosthenes

    introducing new fish in tank? How should I do it

    Say, that sounds very similar to the acclimation procedure. It's even CAPS locked at the same places. I use the exact same procedure as listed above and haven't lost a life during the first two weeks, after the two-week mark, well, let's not get into that.
  8. demosthenes

    MH's do I need actinic lights too

    It depends on the spectrum of the MH bulb that you are using as to whether actinic supplementation is neccessary. However, I would say that you do need a few lower-watt bulbs for your tank regardless of your tank type, in order to properly mimic the natural habitat of our tank's inhabitants...
  9. demosthenes

    Making live sand

    I'm going to have to disagree with that last post. Tangs are only restricted in space regarding the length of the tank they are housed in, and a 55G and a 75G have the same length, 48", so IMO, if a 75G is large enough for the Yellow Tang, then so is the 55G. PS I would remove the Arrow Crab...
  10. demosthenes

    FW: Cichlid Question

    I'm converting my 75G back to Fresh because I can't afford to keep up the tank, so I need to know how many fish I can keep in it. I have an AquaClear UGF w/ 4 Hagen 402s and two HOT Magnums. So I was wondering how many African Auratus I can keep in the tank. I know African's may seem a little...
  11. demosthenes

    LR/LS 4 Sale/Trade

    Email me below for pricing, shipping, etc.
  12. demosthenes

    LR/LS 4 Sale/Trade

    I'm not really that into computers and such. All I can do on a computer is use it, I'm not really sure about which components and such go with a system. So I'm not sure if that video card would even work with my computer. Besides, I believe we already have a very good one, or so the salesmen...
  13. demosthenes

    LR/LS 4 Sale/Trade

    I've got 100 lbs of LR and 200 lbs of LS for sale or trade. I would prefer to sell it, so that I can buy some stuff for my Nano and pay off my debt to my mom, so if your interested email me at PS As for a trade, just let me know if you have something that may be of value.
  14. demosthenes

    Breeding Ocellaris clowns

    Another very good book is Beginner To Breeder by Martin A. Moe. It's one of the most informative books related to Clownfish that you will ever read.
  15. demosthenes

    New Additions

  16. demosthenes

    Cincinnati reefers, help save these fish!!!

    Email me at or I'd love a list, and need some gobies, clowns, or firefish. So send me a list, and I'll reimburse you the fish and such. Let me know.
  17. demosthenes

    New Additions

    I figured I should get the CleanUp Crew first, considering the LR is covered in algae. It's an alga that I've never seen before. It is almost sponge-like. It is sort of like cyano, but it is completely transparent, with just a tinge of green. If anyone can identify this alga, please help me...
  18. demosthenes

    New Additions

    I just tore down my 75G, and I'm getting a bunch of stuff to soup up my 20G Nano. I'm buying 20-25 of's LS to get more diversity, and I'm thinking about getting the Keep It Clean package. It's not the Incredible Keep It Clean package, but just the regular old Keep It Clean package...
  19. demosthenes

    dying snails

    I agree with krishj39, in that this would be the most logical method of testing to see if your tank is capable of keeping any livestock. Of course, testing the water during the cycle to see when it ends is always just as good, LOL.
  20. demosthenes

    Free live rock in West Los Angeles

    Dang, I was just around Beverly Hills. I took quite a few tours of some famous houses. Now I know what I really should have been looking for.