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  1. demosthenes

    My New MH Setup, what you think?

    Can we get a picture of how that lights the tank? Sounds like a dream tank to me.
  2. demosthenes

    What do you feed your Powder Blue Tang?

    Originally posted by Salty Rick I know the yellow tangs like hair algea. I have yet to see a Yellow Tang eat Hair Algae. You must be lucky if you have a Yellow that will.
  3. demosthenes

    Working with Acrylic

    I'm of no help, but I can point you in BroncoFish's direction. He was raised with an acrylic pacifier instead of a typical one. Seriously, he's awesome with the stuff.
  4. demosthenes

    Bring Out The Clowns!!!!!

    As usual, beautiful pictures Rye. Thanks again for re-sizing that picture for me.
  5. demosthenes

    Refugium and Sump?

    Hey, I had the same problem when I started, I had no clue what a Reef even meant, I thought it was all the same. That's before I found As for the sump/refugium thing, I don't know how it really works on a smaller tank, like a 29G, but I know that what I have done seems to work. It's...
  6. demosthenes

    New SumpFugium Plan

    Hey, I've never really posted in this forum, so I'll briefly describe my setup/plan. I have a 75G, with 225 lbs LR and 400 lbs of SD in the entire system. However, I no longer need a Sump to hold Bio-Balls and the like, but still need a place for a Skimmer, plus the tank needs circulation, so...
  7. demosthenes

    DIY Moonlighting

    Thanks for the great idea Cap'n Pete. I'm going to set the same system up in a couple of weeks. PS Pirate Bob, I do the same thing with my sump as you do. I thought I was the only one. A couple of weeks ago I pulled the Bio-Balls and placed a bunch of Dry Rock in their. I also added a DSB...
  8. demosthenes

    coolest avatar!?

    <<<<< ^^^Not really, I think FSSHUB takes the cake with his new one. ^^^
  9. demosthenes

    Bring Out The Clowns!!!!!

    Man, Bang, you must have some help from Clonaid or something. Everything seems to reproduce in your tanks. So far, you've raised Banggai's, next Mandarin's, and finally Percula's? I hope I reach that point some day. Right now I only raise Perculas, but my tank is too small to support a Pod...
  10. demosthenes

    A Couple Of Weird Occurences

    I can't count how many weird things I've noticed over the last couple of weeks, but two have me really stumped. First off, it says Jamesurq is a guest. What exactly does this mean? Was he banned, made inactive? I've never understood what it meant when it said Guest next to a person's name...
  11. demosthenes

    Tank Pics

    Looks very cool. I especially like the last one.
  12. demosthenes

    Another Southdown Success Story

    You got some! I've been working for months with a couple of people up here in Muncie, and we almost have enough to get a transfer. Whoo-Hoo! Congrats on your sand.
  13. demosthenes

    Craziest thing ever......

    That's amazing! I can't believe he is still alive. It's a really good thing, there are so many GOOD things about this. You get a "new" fish, but he won't add anything to the bioload, since he was already a part of it, and, if he had died, you wouldn't have had much fun trying to find that...
  14. demosthenes

    Clown nerve wrecking initial behavior

    So, the only symptom now is not eating, and they're avoiding each other?
  15. demosthenes

    ID Please!!!!

    Sounds like Aiptasia. Do a search on how to eradicate it. If it's just an individual, simply scrape it off with a screwdriver. However, I would leave it, I like a more natural reef, and Aiptasia's a part.
  16. demosthenes

    Clown nerve wrecking initial behavior

    You replied at the same time I did, so I didn't have time to read that last response. You state that there's no way to pair the "small" tank-raised ones. They are best paired when they are smaller, as they have not yet matured. All anemonefish begin life as males, and then they can, if...
  17. demosthenes

    Clown nerve wrecking initial behavior

    Your fish are suffering from Anemonefish disease, which is a ciliated protozoan, that infects the gills and skin of fish. Affected fish may slough the protective skin coating or secrete an increased amount of mucus. They may also become lethargic, exhibit respiratory distress, stop feeding...
  18. demosthenes

    pic of my new lattice butterfly

    Me neither. Does it have to do with the fact that most of us have a Dial-Up connection?
  19. demosthenes

    help! How to cycle a QT?

    I would drop the specific gravity to around 1.010 or 1.011 for a period of 10-14 days. However, if the fish seem abnormally stressed, as you seem to imply, then I would first try it at 1.014 for around 7 days. Be sure to drop the specific gravity over a long period of time, and raise it back...
  20. demosthenes

    help! How to cycle a QT?

    I would do the WC as you stated, and use that water to start up the QT tank, and let it cycle using a Raw Shrimp. I would also do what you said, by keeping the fish in the Main Tank and supplementing their diets with Garlic. IME the Garlic will only keep the Ich at bay, and cannot in any way...