Search results

  1. demosthenes

    Arrow Crab Acclimation

    Yes, I would say it's most likely dead, and please don't buy another one. From your profile, you have many small fish, plus some soft corals with polyps. Neither should be in a tank with an Arrow Crab. They have been known to catch smaller fish and eat them, as well as pick on soft coral...
  2. demosthenes

    Arrow Crab??

    OT, but do you have any pictures of the whole tank?
  3. demosthenes

    SB Fish

    So far, I have compiled the following list of fish for my tank, a 75G Reef. I have 400 lbs of SD in my system, but that is distributed between the Main Tank, the Refugium, and the 20G QT. However, the DSB is roughly 5". The tank also contains about 225 lbs of LR, but this is also distributed...
  4. demosthenes

    Feeding Clown Fry

    Most tend to do well with Rotifers if you can get them. I'll try to post tomorrow on the best way, IMO, to raise them and all. Good Luck Demo
  5. demosthenes


    Hey, do you think that the Moray Species List is good enough to become sticky? I just know that a lot of people ask questions about how big a certain Moray will get, and this will help solve countless questions. So, what do you think?
  6. demosthenes

    Blue water

    I've never had them put anything to make it blue before. My LFS has put in Stress-Coat, O2, and the like, but nothing that makes it blue. Maybe some mix of Formalin and Malachite Green, I know that when they're in a mix, it gives a blue tinge to the water, but I'm partially color-blind...
  7. demosthenes

    Best looking angel & Butterfly

    Well, with the help of this board I believe we are turning that around. Keep us updated on your tanks progress. Did you order any test kits yet?
  8. demosthenes

    Catching Fish

    No thanks, I just stocked up on that.
  9. demosthenes

    Moray Species List

    More changes have been made, and thanks again. Demo
  10. demosthenes

    PC Q... Bang Guy??

    I feel happy, I helped get a clear answer to a mind-boggling question. Let's go guys, break out the Brine!
  11. demosthenes

    Moray Species List

    Thank you both, and changes have been made as well. So, is this sticky-quality? PS Is anyone up to making a Shark Species List?
  12. demosthenes

    Snowflake Moray EEl

    Rep Reef- I've always had success in feeding my Eels Silversides. Also, as for eels, check out the Moray Species List, and check the smaller ones. Good Luck Demo
  13. demosthenes

    Catching Fish

    Does anyone know where I can get Pure Luck?
  14. demosthenes

    My Water

    Like I said in the "My LFS" thread, you need to get your tank cycled and some test kits in hand before taking another step, regarding the tank, feel free to walk otherwise.
  15. demosthenes

    Snail Eggs?

    Can you see any distinguishing features about them? Try looking with a Magnifying Glass.
  16. demosthenes

    someone built a sand mountain in my tank...who?

    IMO? The OrangeSpotted Sleeper Goby (Valencienna puellaris) is the best looking Goby around, but that's just my opinion, which doesn't hold much water.
  17. demosthenes

    Snail Eggs?

    Can you give a description of what they are "clinging" to the glass with, such as some sort of uniform gel, and also the general size of them. If there is no gel, they seem to be independent of each other, and are the size of fleas, then I would say pods, but I'm just throwing it out until I...
  18. demosthenes

    Can I Add This?

    Well, from what my LFS has told me, he suggests against it. He'd rather me keep the fish on my list, and scrap the Gramma. I guess it's out then. Thanks for the help.
  19. demosthenes

    Clown and Condy

    Or an Anemone Crab! They're fascinating creatures.
  20. demosthenes

    someone built a sand mountain in my tank...who?

    Yes, they sift very efficiently. In fact, the LongFinned Sleeper (V. longipinnis) is known to efficiently sift an average of 6 bites per minute! That may not seem to be a lot, but it is the greater than any other Sleeper has been capable of.