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  1. demosthenes

    help! How to cycle a QT?

    If you want a QT tank that's always ready for fish, keep a sponge filter running in the sump of your main tank, then simply transfer it when you need to. Also, I have always used my QT tank for every new fish I add, and for every single one, I use Hypo right off the bat. By employing Hypo from...
  2. demosthenes

    Who wants South Down sand in Indiana???

    Hey, I need around 10, instead of 6, this way I can get some more, and we'll need to "market" less. Come one you guys, I know someone out there needs this stuff.
  3. demosthenes

    Clean-up Crew??

    Originally posted by terrence As you can see....I'm a tad overstocked. I'm going to have to say it, you need to remove about half of your fish. Even if you did add these fish slowly, there's almost no way that a 75G can handle such a high bio-load or have enough area for these fish. Please...
  4. demosthenes

    what happened?

    I wasn't on at the time to field that grounder, thanks for the rebuttal, Bang.
  5. demosthenes

    I added a baby clownfish today

    Both problems have been a result of improper husbandry requirements when it comes to other tankmates. First off, in Articuno's case, it was a Condylactus anemone, which do not host any fish, and most don't have the nematocystic capabilities to capture any fish of the Pomacentridae family...
  6. demosthenes

    Yellow Watchman Goby??

    If you wanted to add another, I would say it would have to be 2 others. This way if any fighting does ensue, it will be spread out, but be sure to get ones that are as dissimilar in color and pattern, but have the same overall size. Demo
  7. demosthenes

    what happened?

    I don't know how you got Blue-Cheeked Goby from that, but it sounds just like any other Sleeper Goby. He may have been stuck under the rock that he darted out from under, and just managed to get free, but died from the trauma. Or maybe he was shocked to the lights, until you can give any more...
  8. demosthenes

    Problem with refund with web site salt purchase

    That's very unfortunate. This is why I stick with my LFS for all live purchases. I'm all for Dry Goods online, but unless you can see and hand-pick the livestock, they're is no guarantee. Hope everything works itself out.
  9. demosthenes

    Pics of my newest addition!!

    What are you feeding him? Can we get a close-up of that fearsome "grin"? He looks beautiful by the way.
  10. demosthenes

    Just received my Australian Harlequin Tuskfish

    Ah, Choerodon fasciatus, the most fascinating of Pacific Reef fish. He sounds like he is coming close to being full grown. Have you noticed the blue dental pigments coming in yet? PS I'm not suprised to hear about the CBS cleaning him, but I would remove any other inverts you have in your...
  11. demosthenes

    Four spot wrasse

    The problems Coris wrasses have in Reef Tanks have to do with the diet and hunting behavior. Coris wrasses flip pieces of rubble or coral over to expose concealed prety items, which can cause damage to coral polyps. Subadult and adult Coris wrasses are also predators of snails, small clams...
  12. demosthenes

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    Just keep me informed. I'm still wondering where you got the rock. Can you email it to me at
  13. demosthenes

    Red Sea Salt

    I have always used Instant Ocean, but have recently found some Red Sea for very cheap, like half the cost of IO, and was wondering what everybody thought about it. So, has anyone used it with good results?
  14. demosthenes

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    I see you have a Shaving Brush in Pic 4. How is that working out? They look cool and I'm thinking about some for my refugium, but figured I'd see what you think before.
  15. demosthenes

    Best Type of Salt To Use?

    I've always used IO, but have thought about switching over to Reef Crystals, they're both made by the same company though, and I would suggest either. As for IO and -- really cheap, I know a place, but it's in direct competition with, so I won't say it here, but considering
  16. demosthenes

    starfish questions

    I would get a Brittle Star, or two depending on the size of the tank, but not for some time now. I would stay away from the Sand Sifting Star though, as they deplete the DSB of any life. PS Where in IN are you?
  17. demosthenes

    What kind of fish to cycle with?

    This way, you are saving yourself a lot of money and a huge headache. If you buy damsels or mollies, you have to BUY them, then feed them, (More $), and finally, you must find a way to remove them (Bring Out The Aspirin). Go and buy 2-3 shrimp, place them in the tank for a few days, let the...
  18. demosthenes

    Arrow Crab Acclimation

    Send your worms to me! That's what you can do with them. Unless they get to be really big, they're better left in the system.
  19. demosthenes

    SB Fish

  20. demosthenes

    LFS Visit

    I just went to my LFS again today, which is great BTW, and was amazed with the changes. They finally fixed one of the 300G Display Tanks, and put in all new LS, LR, etc, and it looks great. They had a shoal of about 15 Blue Chromis in it, and it was simply amazing. In the Aggressive Display...