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  1. demosthenes

    Happy B-Day!

    I know it's probably just because of the New Year, but it says down below that it is's B-Day. So, Happy B-Day! Thank you for all the work you've done to make this the best board on the web.
  2. demosthenes

    150 gal tank

    I may be interested in the skimmer and the wet/dry. Email me at
  3. demosthenes

    Scripps Institute

    I was in the San Diego area last Spring Break, and I visited Escondido, San Diego, La Jolla, and the like, and while I was there, I was amazed with the beauty of the cities and their dedication to cleanliness and organization. And, being a SW enthusiast, my favorite place to visit was Birch...
  4. demosthenes

    Arrow crabs...

    Arrow Crabs are typically inverts to be left out of home aquariums, or kept as the sole inhabitant. First off, some have been known to eat coral polyps, most eat BristleWorms, and all I have seen, try to eat any and all fish in the tank. If you read the profile for them here on, it...
  5. demosthenes

    Do you just need a di filter??????

    To tell you the truth, 50 GPH for a DI filter is actually on the slower end. For RO, it is somewhat less effective and much slower, but is much cheaper and lasts much longer, but DI resins remove many more toxins and such, and also make water on demand, so you're filter is really only limited...
  6. demosthenes

    Sponges VS Tang

    I don't know the veracity of the use of poisons and toxins by sponges, but it wouldn't suprise me. As for the tang, they constantly graze throughout the day on algae, sponges, and the like, and thus, no matter how much you feed it, it seems to me it would not work out.
  7. demosthenes

    Cycling Tank Has become cloudy

    I just remembered what is said to cause it. Since it is a new tank, nitrifying bacteria must become estabished, and the cloudiness is due to the sudden explosion of these bacteria. This is why when using a product such as BioZyme, it causes the tank to become cloudy, because BioZyme is simply...
  8. demosthenes

    starting a saltwater tank

    Personally, a Hexagonal 40G would be the last tank I would use to keep SW. I may consider using one to rear fry, but that would be all. I just don't like the looks of them, and unless you do something like a MH Pendant, they are a pain to light. So, IMO, that would rule out a Reef were I to...
  9. demosthenes

    Wierd clown behavior (imagine that)

    Ryebread, and all those who are interested in the answer. Go to your local library and rent the book, or better yet, buy the book, From Beginner to Breeder by Martin A. Moe. It is the single most informative CLownfish reference known to man. It is a neccessity if one wishes to rear their...
  10. demosthenes

    Gelatain like substance?

    Man, do I wish I knew. I've got the same thing. It is nothing like cyano, it seems more like a sponge, and is more of a green to a pale yellow. I've got it growing in my Nano at the closest spot to the light and to the spray bar.
  11. demosthenes

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    Originally posted by SCARYBO We have to trust our elected officials. Yes..we elected them ..If we didnt vote, then we shouldnt complain..we had a chance to make our voice heard. I would've voted if I could, and believe me, it would've been for Gore.
  12. demosthenes

    Do you just need a di filter??????

    Exactly. If you simply used a DI resin, it would need to be replaced very often, and they are much more expensive than the RO filter resins. So, as Bang Guy said, you should first filter out the larger impurities and such, and then use a DI resin to finish the job, that way you save yourself a...
  13. demosthenes


    I am a moocher. Well, I'm only 15 and am too busy with sports and the tanks to go out and get a job, so I'm without one, but I seem to get by.
  14. demosthenes

    Cycling Tank Has become cloudy

    Yes, apparently so. The cloudiness seems to be attributed to New Tank Syndrome. The cause or source, though, is still unknown to me.
  15. demosthenes

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    How can you say that the media is unbaised? This is how my 15-year old mind views the recent events that are(n't) shown by the news media. First off, let me just state that it is a known fact that Bush is an oil man, and his cabinet is made up of oil men. So, when he is faced with the option...
  16. demosthenes

    First Attempt at Posting a Picture

    First Attempt
  17. demosthenes

    Unsolvable Dilemmna? Please HELP!

    Yeah, sorry to sound like a broken record, but IMO it definitely seems to be Copper. I've never had to deal with it, so I can't, off the top of my head, suggest any ways to combat it, but maybe you could do a search, or a more educated member could help you out.
  18. demosthenes

    Black sand

    That's what I was wondering. IMHO, a 20G is too small for any trigger, but there may be some who disagree. Also, if you were to go reef, a trigger would definitely be out, since they are far from reef-safe.
  19. demosthenes

    Tank size for Percula clowns

    I'll be doing the same thing as FishTails soon. I've got a Twinspot Goby, and I soon plan on adding 2 Perculas. So, if I were you I would at least go with a 20G, that way you can think about adding a detritus sifter as well for the SB.
  20. demosthenes

    Lower Watt MH

    I talked to a friend, and he said that it would work if I bought a ballast to match the bulb, so could I do that? Just purchase a 175W ballast and hook it up? TIA