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  1. demosthenes

    help!! i have red algae all over my decor and sand

    Cyanobacteria is an algea, and that's all I believe. It was the original form of life on this planet, for all those believing in Evolution, and it is what produced O2 at such levels to sustain oxygen-dependant life. Personally I don't believe in Evolution, but this isn't the time nor place...
  2. demosthenes

    Fish Selection For My Tank?

  3. demosthenes

    Water changes

    Well, you could do one of two things. A very painful complete switch to a DSB, or just add an inch or two of LS to the top of the CC, and the LS will sift through, creating a mixed bed. I would personally perform the latter.
  4. demosthenes

    Aquariums breaking

    I would like to help, but the actual chances of any problem and how large of one would have to be determined by one of the many (insert type) engineers on this site. I would ask around in the Equipment and DIY forum, they tend to be more geared to this question.
  5. demosthenes

    250W Halides on a 180 Acrylic

    Yeah, I would go with an MH/VHO combo, and I would also sell the UV sterilizer, as they are indiscriminate in what they kill. You lose the good with the bad. All they really do is prevent disease, but if you feed foods w/ garlic, keep the tank peaceful, quarrantine, and prevent overstocking...
  6. demosthenes

    What to feed a finicky fish

    Most fish have a short break in period where they will not eat. I would start to get worried when this behavior persists past a week.
  7. demosthenes


    Their bristles are designed to break off in your skin, causing a severe and painful itch.
  8. demosthenes

    How To Prevent A Jellyfish Sting

    Okay, the other one was a pretty simple one, so I made this one harder. Try your luck.
  9. demosthenes

    Water changes

    When I had it I'd stir up the CC, because algae was able to grow on the large surface of it, but should you add LS to it, or switch to a DSB you would only remove water, but for now you should stir up the CC bed.
  10. demosthenes

    help!! i have red algae all over my decor and sand

    It's the plague of all SW tanks. You have cyanobacteria. It's attributed to mainly high phosphates, like your LFS told you. Do some major WCs to bring the phosphates down, but use RO water, otherwise you'll just exacerbate your problem. HTH
  11. demosthenes

    How To Treat A Sea Urchin Puncture/Sting

    Okay, I just got a game called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Game, and it comes with a lot of cards that have to do with the Ocean, Fish, etc, and so I decided to make use of them to have some fun on this board. I'll post a question a day, and at 8 or so each night, tell everyone the right...
  12. demosthenes

    Metal Halide? Glass between lights and water?

    It should be fine.
  13. demosthenes

    My two favorite fish

    They both look very nice. Can you get a better, or not blown up pic of the Tang?
  14. demosthenes

    need ID on alge

    No pics??? It sounds like it may be a species of Valonia, because of the bubbles, but I'd need a better description or a picture to tell.
  15. demosthenes

    If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)

    This is simply astounding.
  16. demosthenes

    New Lighting

  17. demosthenes

    Fish Selection For My Tank?

    Okay, thanks. I'm really looking for a better Goby that is a very good sand-sifter, so if anyone knows a really good one, and I'll forget about the Golden Head Sleeper, and for the PB Tang, I decided against it, for cost reasons as well as care requirements. So it's between the Yellow and the...
  18. demosthenes

    Fish Selection For My Tank?

    Okay, I'm getting the following: The Common Clowns, Firefish, the Golden Head Sleeper, and the Mandarin in a year or so. I also want one Tang and one Dwarf Angel from below:Coral Beauty - Centropyge bispinosus Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus Yellow Tang -...
  19. demosthenes

    WTB: Live Sand Creatures

    I would ask Bang Guy. He has a 900G refugium full of bugs. I am restarting my tank, and need some as well, but I'm not sure what color his fuge sand is. So, if you read this, Bang Guy, please let us know whether you would sell some sand and what color it is.
  20. demosthenes

    New Lighting

    I'm getting a new lighting system from a fellow board member, and it's going to be a 155W HQI 10K MH with 4 36W 50/50 PCs, and I was just wondering what I could keep in regards to a Reef. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can keep that'd be great.