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  1. gregzbobo

    Seaweed Select: Choosing Red Brown or Green?

    I just bought a pack at a local asian store, 2 bucks for 10 sheets that are about 12 inches on a side.
  2. gregzbobo

    Another way to look at calcium, alk and pH

    btoomer, excellent post man, great info as always.
  3. gregzbobo

    comments on aqua medic turbo 1000 protein skimmer

    Its an in-sump skimmer only, unless you get the HOB version, and the rio pumps both versions come with are notorius for failure and letting copper in contact with water when they DO fail. I have heard its a decent skimmer though, certainly better than my seaclone. You may consider looking at a...
  4. gregzbobo

    Water changes

    A 10%-15% water change will certainly benefit things by replenishing certain trace leements and exporting dissolved organic material and nitrates. The reduction in nitrates may very well help in reducing the algea problem you are having. Go for it!
  5. gregzbobo

    weight factors?

    That was hilarious. They had to have put that tank on hidden rollers or something, I doubt a 170-180 pound guy could pull that large a tank right off its stand. Could he? It was still a hoot though.
  6. gregzbobo

    Seaweed Select: Choosing Red Brown or Green?

    Look for "nori" at the asian market.
  7. gregzbobo

    Salt water tank problem

    Water circulation to get the salt in solution faster would help.
  8. gregzbobo

    Who will be the next shark??Or MOD??

    Bang Guy would be a good candidate imo.
  9. gregzbobo

    weight factors?

    I hope your floor DOESN'T fall through! That would suck, cuz if it did, it might take out the second floor too. :(
  10. gregzbobo

    powerhead suction cups not sticking

    I had a cheap set of magnet glass cleaners and I left them in the tank, well I found out they were not completely incased in plastic. The magnet inside the tank started rusting. I also would not advise using magnets.
  11. gregzbobo

    snail shells

    Try a hobby store. You might get lucky. Hobby Lobby or Michaels ought to have shells of some sort or another. This site sells them too.
  12. gregzbobo

    what Kalkwasser mix do you use ?

    Thats the kind I use Finland. 35% calcium compared to 50% calcium in Kents mix. Very cheap stuff. Comes in a white and green can with a pic of some jars of pickles on it.
  13. gregzbobo

    snail shells

    I boil mine for about 20 minutes and add a few teaspoons table salt in the water.
  14. gregzbobo

    what Kalkwasser mix do you use ?

    Originally posted by Bang Guy I use Agricultural Hydrated Lime (1/100th the cost) but I would quickly switch to Mississippi Lime if I could find a source... any help???? :D Any food grade pickeling lime would work. I bought a 16 oz can for a buck and a half at wal-mart. It hasn't got quite...
  15. gregzbobo

    weight factors?

    65 gallon salt and 55 gallon fresh in a 2nd floor apt. No worries so far. Both are on load bearing walls, the 65 being next to an outside wall on a corner. Combined weight of these tanks is likely upwards of 1200 pounds. If your home has joists in the floor instead of a slab, you might see if...
  16. gregzbobo

    What salinity do y'all keep your reefs at?

    About 1.024-1.026 is about average around the worlds coral reefs. The Red Sea is a bit higher, not sure exactly how much though.
  17. gregzbobo

    Strange worm?

    Originally posted by Aqua_man Speaking of worms..... I am over run with feather dusters, at first they looked like they would stay small. Noooo, they are growing and multiplying all over rock, and in my hang on skimmer. Are there any type of inverts/fish that eat these, or anyway to safely...
  18. gregzbobo

    Strange worm?

    Sorry, below is first time I tried a quote. Disregard this here post. :)
  19. gregzbobo

    What salinity do y'all keep your reefs at?

    Lower salinity SUPPOSEDLY makes the fishes metabolism slow down a bit, since they are not working quite as hard getting rid of salt. But lower salinity is hard on inverts. 1.023 is fine though from all I've read. Go under 1.020 and you are asking for trouble I think with most corals.
  20. gregzbobo

    72G Bowfront

    I just found the following info on what AGA tanks have tempered bottoms. Your 72 IS tempered on the bottom. And looksl ikeI was wrong about most larger AGA tanks having tempered bottoms. Ah well, live and learn.