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  1. agent-x

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    Originally Posted by PonieGirl What is there to think really about, in the grand scheme of things? Please post when you make THAT inevitable decision! And are they all silver? no, they come in different colors, but I like the silver. My wife wants another Volvo s40 though and I want a 350z, so...
  2. agent-x

    RO or tap water

    some people do, but most us RO water. Tap water can have things in it not good for your aquarium. and depending on your water type where you leave it could be better or worse than normal. I'm fairly new at this, so i don't know all the problems it can cause, but I've heard everyone say don't use...
  3. agent-x

    UFC tomorrow night!!!!

    I guess i just expect more when paying for a PPV event. i had a house full of people and we all thought the same thing. Besides I believe I'm entitled to my OWN opinion about what I thought about the fights. I like a more of a standup match than a ground one. unless there is some good ground and...
  4. agent-x

    29g Biocube Diary

    Originally Posted by kmauger3 I bought the 4.36. The mods were not hard at all. You have to know how to solder and use heat shrink, but that is it. You can still use the stock fans and everything. It's a very nice set up. I read that you can crimp the lines instead of soldering, is that true?
  5. agent-x

    What is your fav tv show

    24 Heroes Lost
  6. agent-x

    UFC tomorrow night!!!!

    Originally Posted by teamsleep You cant say that the Couture Sylvia fight was boring. I was on my feet the whole time screaming everytime Randy did something good. You have to admit that in the first 5 seconds you did not see that coming, either did Tim. LOL Other then that Franklin looked back...
  7. agent-x

    Let's See Some Tattoo's

    Originally Posted by DeMartini This isn't mine, but I want one like this! it's awesome! I really like ones like these. My tattoo artist is doing one like this on a lady now, it looks awesome.
  8. agent-x

    UFC tomorrow night!!!!

    all the fights were boring except for the first one.
  9. agent-x

    Let's See Some Tattoo's

    Originally Posted by rbaldino Careful, tattoos can be as expensive and addicting as aquariums... no kidding, I just started my shoulder on friday. All said and done I'll have just about three grand on my left arm.
  10. agent-x

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    Here are a few of mine. I'm thinking about trading the white one for a 350z.
  11. agent-x

    29g Biocube Diary

    awesome, are you going to take pictures of the mod process?
  12. agent-x

    Off to Disney soon 2:00am

    Originally Posted by DeMartini I hate flying for long! haha I know what you mean, last time we went to Hawaii we flew from Chicago straight to Honolulu...9 hours. They showed two movies, but it was still painfully long.
  13. agent-x

    Off to Disney soon 2:00am

    Even better than the rainforest cafe was Fultons Crab house (IMO). it's right next to downtown disney on the boat. Can't miss it. It's a little expensive, but well worth it. My wife and i went there four years ago and still talk about this place. Also, Animal Kingdom and MGM are my favorites...
  14. agent-x

    Chaeto the CAT

    looks like a Maine Coon. I'm not a big fan of cats, but I like how that one looks.
  15. agent-x

    bio balls in a 20 good or bad

    use LR instead.
  16. agent-x

    Live Rock from SWF

    Originally Posted by earlybird popular subject lately... probably why no one has posted. Check this out Live Rock from SWF search thanks, I found what i needed to see.
  17. agent-x

    building an Aquapod 24 stand

    nice work!
  18. agent-x

    pH levels

    I believe they make a buff that will set this to the proper level.
  19. agent-x

    Live Rock from SWF

    has anyone ordered live rock from this site. If so, how was it? would you do it again?
  20. agent-x

    29g Biocube Diary

    yeah, I've been thinking of buying the kit also, but am curious as to how easy it is to install and how it's going to fit and still be able to use the fans. because if you look at the length of the lights they are to long to fit another row behind the current lights and not hit the fans. i must...