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  1. agent-x

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by ophiura do not need to be in conflict. But sadly they are most of the time. I think the only people who see that are the ones who spent "time on both sides" of the debate.
  2. agent-x

    Family Guy

    I really liked at the end they talked about the show Robot chicken already doing the star wars thing. Considering that Seth Green not only is the voice for Chris Griffin, but also one of the creators of Robot Chicken.
  3. agent-x

    Do You Believe In Creation

    Originally Posted by Jmick Lol, that was hardly a threat and if you felt it was then you need to grow some thicker skin. Wishing and wanting to do something are not the same things you know... Thank you
  4. agent-x

    Anyone know the name of this movie...

    This House Possessed
  5. agent-x

    Do You Believe In Creation

    Originally Posted by lil' tanker Ok well 1. You threatened me and many other people on this website by saying that you "wish we'd go back to feeding them to lions." So I'm sorry I did not mean racial profiler more like a Hitler except against Christians does that make more sense? I have...
  6. agent-x

    Do You Believe In Creation

    Originally Posted by lil' tanker You better watch it! You could get sued and put in jail for that. Racial Profiler and not all Christians are like that! How, because I defended an entire religous community from some ingnorant person who judged them because they didn't believe the same as...
  7. agent-x

    Homeowner again!! WOO HOO!!

    Originally Posted by socal57che Stupid Bank of America loaned us a half a mil. I still can't believe it, but talk about jumping through hoops...whew. I just measured the paperwork...9 3/8 inches of documents. That must be a standard with BOA. We were still signing papers and getting them...
  8. agent-x

    Family Guy

    Originally Posted by maxalmon You have to have a really open sense of humor and see it for what it is, it's really dark humor and not meant to be mean, just dark humor......Sometimes the show is totally lame, other times it almost has me bent over cracking up....Like the episode with Mother...
  9. agent-x

    let's get to know eachother!

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 well i started out at the 2 doctors site... and i think the shipping was really expensive or something and i did some searches and followed some links and eventually ended up here. what kind of impact do the think the aquarium hobby is having on the environment...
  10. agent-x

    The Sobering Facts

    Originally Posted by Jmick The shame is at times those "real men" are few and far between when the fun and games are ended by a pregnancy. Will say it again, education and the availability of condoms to teens that engage in --- would go a long way to help cut the number of abortions in our...
  11. agent-x

    The Sobering Facts

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 original sin disapeared when God washed are sins away when jesus died on the cross plain and simple. I don't know how many times I have to ask this, but Please learn the difference between are and our. It's makes it hard to take you seriously.
  12. agent-x

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by Darknes What benefit does reproduction have for a species anyway? Are you kidding?
  13. agent-x

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 and thats all it is, is hypothesis sad so much energy is wasted on hypotheseis Yeah those people should be busy tring to shove their beliefs down other people's throats, right reefreak?
  14. agent-x

    Do You Believe In Creation

    Originally Posted by Jmick I don't get it, if you don't believe in Creationism then you are an atheist? Your poll isn't worth answering because neither choice is acceptible. And you were suprised by that. Typical American Christian, believe what I believe or burn in hell. I'm sick of that my...
  15. agent-x

    english assignment

    Originally Posted by renogaw (that being said, i agree with agent-x, i'm not doing what i'm preaching because i'm not trying to pass a class :)
  16. agent-x

    english assignment

    Originally Posted by ric maniac lol im not supposed to write it to be gramatically correct. it doesnt even have to have capitilization, it was basically for fun. What kind of English teacher do you have then? I thought that was one of the points of english class.
  17. agent-x

    english assignment

    Originally Posted by Jovial ? "the world needs ditch diggers too" Caddyshack Not sure where I picked that up. Just a saying I used when someone seems anti education.
  18. agent-x

    Concealed Carry

    Originally Posted by thirty5 I guess you didnt read this entire thread. So read them all then come back and you can see the points of view that each person has. Ignorance is posting and not knowing the whole story! How did iI not read and respond to exactly what you posted to me? You are...
  19. agent-x

    let's get to know eachother!

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 i'm pretty sure mine is in the near future i'll get back with ya'all when it's over do you have someone in your life that you would die in their place for, no matter how traumatic? My wife or my siblings. what time did you get up today?