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  1. usinkit

    Is Ammonia too high?

    Most likely the fish will die. You have to becareful with takinf advise from the LFS. They usually are just out to make money off of you and will tell you anything to make a sale. I would take the fish back and tell the the LFS they gave you bad abvise and you want your money back. After the...
  2. usinkit

    berlin skimmer for sale w/pump

    berlin hob or sump skimmer with mag 5 pump for sale. i have it in a solution of vinegar and water right now for cleaning. 115.00 plus shipping.
  3. usinkit

    post those pics of tangs

  4. usinkit

    All of a sudden it doesn't work.

    is this the hang on back model? If it is I have the same one. I have it in my sump but when I had it as a HOB it really didnt work well at all. As soon as I switched over to a sump/refugium the skimmer started to work well. Its not a super skimmer but it gets the job done. I just purchased a...
  5. usinkit

    40G Tank Pics???

    no thats what they call the tank.
  6. usinkit

    40G Tank Pics???

    heres my 40 gallon breeder
  7. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    well take back the niger and get a couple of books.
  8. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    what were you banned for
  9. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    well were you banned once before?
  10. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    hey why dont you guys help him instead of busting his chops
  11. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    it really doesnt matter its the same having a clown trigger or a niger trigger in a tank that small.
  12. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    yes take the fish back he will not make it in your tank. stay with small fish . dont listen to that guy anymore. do your own research before you buy.
  13. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    you have a nano cube with a niger triggerfish that can reach 1 foot in size. thats half the size of your tank. why would you do that to a fish? try doing some research before you buy. it will save you $$$ down the road and may save a fishes life!!!
  14. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    he lied!!!
  15. usinkit

    just a few new pics

    some old ones
  16. usinkit

    Sunday nite 12pk

    very nice
  17. usinkit

    Hello everyone! My new nano cube

    The color of the Niger Triggerfish, also known as the Redtooth Triggerfish, may change from day to day between blue and green with a striking, lighter blue highlight on the fins and long tail lobes. As an adult, they acquire bright red teeth, making them quite interesting to watch when they eat...
  18. usinkit

    post full tank pics

    40 gallon breeder w/30sump/refugium
  19. usinkit

    pics from my 40

    the tanks been running for a year. i had a 90 that i broke down and put most of the rock and critters in the 40. heres a full shot.