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  1. usinkit

    ro/di ?

    thanks for the replys.
  2. usinkit

    ro/di ?

    when you first hook up the system does it take a few gallons to read 0 tds's? thanks
  3. usinkit

    pics from my 40

  4. usinkit

    pics from my 40

  5. usinkit

    live sand and crushed coral

    Food becomes trapped in the crush coral and therefore decays and turns into nitrates. If you vacum the crushed coral during waterchanges you can cut down on the waste build but with having sand in their too you will be sucking some sand up and disturbing the benificial bacteria in the sand...
  6. usinkit

    just picked up a bta

    still floating
  7. usinkit

    Fish eating your shrimp?

    What kind of fish do you have? I feed my shrimp small pieces of scallops everyother day.
  8. usinkit

    Hlep Ich!!

    If your putting the live rock in a rubbermaid container you can put them in their also. Just make sure you have a powerhead and heater in with them also.
  9. usinkit

    Hlep Ich!!

    Beth, dont you have to remove the inverts also?
  10. usinkit

    Hlep Ich!!

    Well the only thing you can do is setup a qt tank and treat in their. Once all of your fish are out of the tank you have to let the tank sit fishless for atleast 6 weeks to let the ick cycle die off. HTH
  11. usinkit

    live sand and crushed coral

    you can but the sand will eventually sift its way to the bottom and with cushed coral you will have a build up of nitrates in your tank. I would just go with the sand.
  12. usinkit

    skimmer cleaning

    I have a berlin skimmer that Iam pulling out of my tank to clean. What is the best way to clean it. Thanks
  13. usinkit

    post pics of blue tangs and clowns

    NM REEF, beautiful pictures. always got to be a show off. lol
  14. usinkit

    Yellow Tang has Ich help!

    i would set up a qt. more likely your other fish will also get ick.
  15. usinkit

    salinity question

    i run mine at 1.026. 1.024 is good also.
  16. usinkit

    what could have happened???? :-(

    Traveling four hours away from picking up live rock would produce die off on cured live rock. So you may have had a spike.
  17. usinkit

    Really Need Advice!!!

    Here they are.
  18. usinkit

    Really Need Advice!!!

    i will will post a picture in a few minutes
  19. usinkit

    Really Need Advice!!!

    When I had my qt tank setup I ran a seaclone also and had the same problem. Where the water dumps back into the tank put a powerhead filter their. That will stop all your micro bubbles. HTH