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  1. usinkit

    coral ?

    the opened up today. thanks for the replies.
  2. usinkit

    coral ?

    thanks for the reply
  3. usinkit

    coral ?

    is it normal for a leather toad stool to close up for a couple of days? the leathers color is fine its just hasnt open for 2 days. I took a picture of it and it closed up and hasnt reopened. just wondering if maybe it became camera shy!!!
  4. usinkit

    Pictures of Sumps

    30 gallon sump/refugium
  5. usinkit


    i have mine skimmer,return and then fuge.
  6. usinkit


    alright that sounds like a good plan. thanks for your help!!!
  7. usinkit


    Thanks Thomas, is it better to purchase one from the lfs or from SWF? I see some do not ship well. Iam thinking of the bubble tip and that one appears to be a better shipper. I have had great luck with SWF. Just wondering if its alright to buy online. Thanks again for your advise!!
  8. usinkit


    in the acclimation guide on this site it says you can either drip or temp but if i drip it doesnt say for how long. once the anenome is acclimated do you place it where you wont it or just put him on the bottom and let it find its own suitable place? thanks for your answers.
  9. usinkit


    acclimated them it says to either drip or just temp. whats your method. does a bubble tip stay put once it finds a spot or is it a mover. thanks
  10. usinkit


    thanks thomas
  11. usinkit


    yea got back into it. yep 384 watts of pc. I would like to try one buy i want to make sure my lighting is proper for one to thrive in my tank not just live.
  12. usinkit


    if I were to get one which Anemone would be the best choice for a 40 gallon breeder with 384 watts of pc lighting. thanks
  13. usinkit


    dex do you feel pc lighting is enough for them? i want one to thrive in my tank not just live!!
  14. usinkit


    if I were to get one which Anemone would be the best choice for a 40 gallon breeder with 384 watts of pc lighting. thanks
  15. usinkit

    lights at night

    no they dont have too stay on all night. they are basically for looks anyway.
  16. usinkit

    Post Pix of Dwarf Angels!

  17. usinkit

    Please post refugium pics with skimmers

    30 gal sump/refugium
  18. usinkit

    playing with pics

    thanks ,its looked better but i got kinda lazy during the summer time. I just started getting back to paying more attention to it and it should be back up to par in another month i hope.
  19. usinkit

    playing with pics

    always hated photography class, dam photo programs
  20. usinkit

    29 gallon sump question

    i dont see why it wouldnt work ,but that would make your compartments odd sizes. wouldnt it?