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  1. usinkit

    Favorite Invert

  2. usinkit

    Brown Algae wont go away

    for a few days it wont hurt. the anemones my freak a bit. but thats just putting a bandaid on problem. i would just keep doing water changes like normal with rodi water and wait and see if the phosphates go away.
  3. usinkit


    maybe 85.00 with most of it coming from buying a brand new 30 gallon tank. should of looked for a used one.
  4. usinkit

    Brown Algae wont go away

    there is probly a good amount of phosephates in the tank still. its still leaching out of the liverock most likely. it may take awhile longer for the water to be completely made up of ro/di.
  5. usinkit

    Mini cycle or full cycle?

    if the rock was completely out of water for 12 hours i would say you will go through another cycle for how long cant answer that. i would just be prepared to have some saltwater ready if the ammonia does spike. good luck.
  6. usinkit

    Mini cycle or full cycle?

    its hard tell. it could either way. how long was the power off for. did you take the rock out and if so for how long?
  7. usinkit

    How much "$$$" do YOU have invested?

    $2500 so far and have a long way to go!!!!!!!!
  8. usinkit

    New Additions 11/8/05

    really nice!!!
  9. usinkit


    it sounds alright. just dont use the bio balls they will trap food which will cause your nitrates to climb. I still would biuld a sump/refugium instead. i was thinking the same way you are. i thought it would be a nightmaare to biuld and what if i had a flood, but now that I biult one and its...
  10. usinkit

    How often should I do a water change?

    i do 10% aweek. during the summer i get lazy and do 20% once a month.
  11. usinkit


    biuld the sump. i have a sump/refugium and that was the best addition to my tank. I run no other filters not even the sponges on the return pump or overflow and my tank is nice and clear. if you do decide on not doing the sump any canister or HOB will work. they are pretty much the same.
  12. usinkit

    coral advise

    the butterfly is not reef safe will eat your corals.
  13. usinkit

    Snail Help-Asked in Fish Discussion

    it says they grow to 2inches so i would worry at all. like i said if they do die your clean up crew will take care of them. if you are concerned just start testing for ammonia. that will tell you if you have to start searching for them, but i wouldnt worry. ive had some good size turbos die and...
  14. usinkit

    Snail Help-Asked in Fish Discussion

    if they have died i would think the rest of your clean up crew ould find them and take care of them. how big are they. if they are the same size is an atrea snail i wouldnt worry. they even may still be alive. besides they seem to be good for your tank.
  15. usinkit

    First tank

    the sand would eventually sift through the cc and you would still have the same problem. better off taking everything out. its not really that hard to do since you are not loaded up with rock, corals and fish.
  16. usinkit

    Snail Help-Asked in Fish Discussion

    This was the only type of moon snail I could find info on. Dont know if this is the one!! HTH The Red Foot Moon Snail, also known as the Red collar snail, is found in holes and crevices of the shoreline consuming algae. This snail require cooler temperatures of no more than 74 degrees in the...
  17. usinkit

    First tank

    The zoos will probly die!! The shrimp will help kick off the cycle a little faster. You really should think about taking the UGF and CC out. They will only cause you headaches down the road (JMO) Good luck!!
  18. usinkit

    Need help

    Nothing else to do but wait for your nitrites to come down to 0. After ammonia and nitrites hit 0 do a 20% to 30% water change . Then your ready for a clean up crew!!
  19. usinkit

    how long does it take chaeto to grow.

    When i set mine up it started to grow within a two week period. Once it started to grow I had to prune it every week to two weeks. This stuff grows like a weed once it gets going. Great stuff keeps my nitrates below 5ppm!!!!!
  20. usinkit

    Favorite Fish

    This is mine!!!!