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  1. trigger11

    Copperband Butterfly Questions

    Hello All, I made a partial impulse purchase yesterday and got a Copperband Butterfly fish that is about 4 inches long. I currently have a standard 55G tank along with a 30G refugium. I do have a 6FT tank in the garage waiting for me to upgrade when I move to a new house. I went to the LFS to...
  2. trigger11

    nitrate level question

    I believe the general guideline is below 10 for corals and below 40 for the fish.
  3. trigger11

    dumb question for you all...

    Hello Josh, Welcome to the boards. No, you dont sound weird at all. In fact, it sounds like the beginning of the bug for you. I would not use the sand you had in the freshwater tank. I would get new sand. And you really will want to have some live rock to go with it. The filter you could...
  4. trigger11

    Help with refugium

    I would agree having a 5 gallon fuge will probably not work very well. A HOB refugium might also be an option for you. Bare essentials for refugium 1. Overflow system from DT to the fuge. 2. Return pump and plumbing back to the DT 3. Macroalgae plants 4. LR rubble if possible 5. Sand bed...
  5. trigger11

    fish dying

    I think we would need more information to help really. 1. What are the water parameters? You say they are ok, however they may not be. 2. Was anything new added to the tank recently? New corals, any other fish, tank decorations, etc. 3. Are you still using the same kind of salt? Or just...
  6. trigger11

    Lighting Question

    Anywhere from around 7 hours to 10 hours is about right. The coral likes to have the light on longer. For me it comes down to the ecosystem within the tank. At some point leaving the lights on longer is going to make the algae grow faster than the cleanup crew can remove it. So it just takes...
  7. trigger11

    ID needed please

    Excellent! That is exactly what they are. Thanks for the link. I am glad to hear they are beneficial. I would have kept them anyway for what they have been doing. It is just nice to know what kind of critters they are though. Thanks again,
  8. trigger11

    ID needed please

    I have a whole bunch of these guys growing in my tank now. They are on the glass all night long and sometimes during the day. They are pretty efficient at eating algae. They are weird. More like a snail but they dont have a shell. Any ideas. Here are the best pics I could get.
  9. trigger11

    could this be the problem????

    If I may make a suggestion. Remove the bioballs from the system. They just build up ammonia over the long run and need to cleaned fairly often. I would also highly consider going away from the canister filtration and moving toward a sump, refugium or a combination of the two depending on how...
  10. trigger11

    I Cant Keep Tangs Whats Up With This???

    I have had my tank running for about 9 months now and I have had similar experience with 2 coral beauties. I had other fish living for quite a while. Clown fish and green chromis. All of which are hardier fish. These were in a hexagon tank and both beauties ended up dying by the next day...
  11. trigger11

    Calcium will not raise!!

    Here is a good little information site that might help you with Calcium. I would definitely recommend having a LFS double check your findings. If you are adding that many additives then something is out of whack , or your test kit is not accurate...
  12. trigger11

    Algae question

    Yeah, if you put a stronger powered light in there that would help the algae growth. The good news is that it will even out and you will be able to figure out what the growth rate is compared to how long you leave the lights on. The cleanup crew will really help though. Hermit crabs will be...
  13. trigger11

    lets see those LTA and BTA

    Jon's anenome looks sort of like a condylactus to me.
  14. trigger11

    Algae question

    Judging from the description of your algae problem as your ammonia being at .5 I am guessing you have a new tank and are still cycling it? The brown algae (diatom) should go away on it's own within a couple of weeks. Give the tank a few more days to finish cycling and then when you get that...
  15. trigger11

    Egg Crate Tops on tank

    Thanks for all of the replies. Well, a chiller is certainly out of my price range. If I were to add a second Halide bulb I probably would have to have a chiller for sure. I dont have anything in the tank at the moment that requires the halide lighting but the corals sure do seem to like it...
  16. trigger11

    Egg Crate Tops on tank

    Do the egg crate tops just make it so the fish would have a harder time jumping out of the tank while allowing CO2 exchange? Or, Do they cut down on evaporation? I just recently switched from having a mostly covered 60G hex tank to a regular 55G that does not currently have a top. It is...
  17. trigger11

    I am still learning

    Typically speaking you will have better luck getting questions answered if they are asked one at a time. People seem to be able to focus on the question at hand a little easier. I should be able to help with a few of your questions. 1. Powerheads. No you really cant have too much flow...
  18. trigger11

    sump design attempt

    Not sure how much help I will be you may find some things useful. From your drawing it looks like the protein skimmer is going to be in the last compartment before getting pumped back into the DT. Generally speaking you want to have the skimmer in the first compartment if you want to get full...
  19. trigger11

    Question about glue toxicity.

    yes, the super glue gel that has the word cyano (something or other in it). It kind of sounds like the cyanobacteria. When I last checked at the store there were two diff kinds of super glue, one with the cyano and the other without it.
  20. trigger11

    return pump from sump

    Yes, I would say stay closer to the 300 since that is all your overflow is rated for. Otherwise you will just have to throttle the pump down. why pay all the extra cash if it cant be used? unless of course you will be upgrading pretty soon then it could be used later.