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  1. trigger11

    Cycle complete... how long for good measure?

    Here are my thoughts but certainly more opinions would be good. If I were in the situation you are in I think part of the answer would depend on how well the fish are doing in your 29G temporary tank. If their health is good then I would wait a bit longer. I would wait like another 3-5 days...
  2. trigger11

    Refugium Question!

    My opinion would be that a refugium is always a good idea if you can make it work with space requirements and such. The refugium allows for extra water volume, will help keep nitrates down, and allow a place for pods to flourish. If you decide to go with the refugium try to add some LR or LR...
  3. trigger11

    powerhead to much or not

    I could be wrong but I am starting to think the best way to think about whether or not there is enough flow is to go by the turnover rate. My understanding is the recommended turnover rate for corals is between 20X and 30X. This is calculated Turnover rate (X) = GPH / Tank Size (Gallons) So...
  4. trigger11

    Help with Setup of 55g

    From the parameters you listed your tank is still cycling looks like. So here are my parameters... Temp: 79 SG: 1.021 pH: 8.3 Nitrate: 0 Nitrite:15 Ammonia: .50 The ammonia being at .5 and the nitrites at 15 is the indication. You will want to have both of these at zero before adding any...
  5. trigger11

    Help with Setup of 55g

    Since you have a bunch of sand and rock from an established tank you might be cycled all ready. I would definitely check water parameters though. So should be ok to set up the refugium anytime then. Yes, a small flourescent like is perfect for the refugium. Thank goodness for that. With how...
  6. trigger11

    Help with Setup of 55g

    I would give the system one week or so before adding in the chaeto. You dont really have any nitrates forming in the system yet which would help the chaeto to grow and stay alive. I am assuming you will have a light for the refugium as well? Are you using the shrimp method or ghost feeding for...
  7. trigger11

    Green chromis ?

    Well, the you know who's will probably get after you for either tang choice. I will leave that moral decision up to you. (Personally, I wouldnt even think about putting the hippo in there. Maybe a Kole tang) Your question is about green chromis and I can answer that one. Yes, green chromis...
  8. trigger11

    coral recommondations

    Congratulations on getting through the cycle phase. It is always fun setting up a new system. My first inkling would be to say to wait a bit longer before adding any corals. Get a cleanup crew in there and working. Having a 12g is going to require doing more water changes and if it were my...
  9. trigger11

    Cannisters for dummies?

    You bring up a good point. My thinking was going to be to use this cannister with a 40G Hex tank setup. I would have about 50lbs of LR in there. How come you wouldnt want to use a cannister with LR? I also have a Whisper 40 HOB filter so maybe I will just stick with that. For the most part...
  10. trigger11

    Cannisters for dummies?

    Ahh ok. I'll look around the piles of stuff I inherited and see if I can find how this other tube part will look. Guess I will check online and see if I can find a manual for this thing. A picture of how it is supposed to be set up would help. Thanks again.
  11. trigger11

    Sump VS. Refuge

    It all depends on what you want to do with the tank really. For having a larger sized tank my recommendation would be to have both a sump and a fuge. Or, depending on space you could even have a sump/fuge all in one unit. In most cases the sump is going to be used to hide your heaters and...
  12. trigger11

    Cannisters for dummies?

    Thanks for the info. So looking at the equipment the previous owner had for this tank they had a HOB overflow with a U-tube. Do you think that is what they used to get the water to the cannister? The tank is a 55G all glass which has not been drilled. If so, what would happen if the U-tube...
  13. trigger11

    Disappearing Chromis

    I have had similar experience as Peter. I got 4 green guys in December and still have all 4 of them. 3 of them hang out all the time. The other one hides a bit more. When the lights come on in the morning the three will come out and start looking for food. It takes that 4th one a while to...
  14. trigger11

    Cannisters for dummies?

    This particular one is a fluval 304. Seems like there is an in line and and out line for the plumbing although I do not know how to tell the difference. Also, I dont know if the in line is something that would pump the water from the tank or if it has to be used like an overflow for a sump...
  15. trigger11

    Cannisters for dummies?

    Hello All, I just recently aquired a cannister filter and I know nothing about them really. I have tried doing a search but really wasnt able to come up with much. Could someone please recommend a place where I could do some research on them? Like, the basic principle of how they work. What...
  16. trigger11

    little video

    Nice little video there. I see your clowns were doing the same thing mine always do when I get up close to the tank. They swim back and forth real fast saying, "Feed me, feed me". I also liked how your other fish kept darting in and out of the rockwork. Truly makes the reef come to life.
  17. trigger11

    New Tank Setup Need help 95G Wave

    Good questions. Using the rock from your 30G should be just fine. For your question about flow. When trying to determine if there is enough flow you will want to go by the turnover rate in the system Turnover rate = GPH / Tank Size (Gallons) So in your case with the pump doing 1800GPH and having...
  18. trigger11


    I dont have a pic of a spraybar but picture a length of pvc pipe with holes drilled all the way down it. Basically, is just a way to evenly distribute the flow. Another fun option might be to divide the return flow into 2 separate outlets using a T. Then you could hook up one those wavemaker...
  19. trigger11

    How long to cure live rock?

    Sounds like a great idea to have the LFS check for copper. I doubt the previous owner used it though. They gave me everything they had and there were hardly any chemicals / testing kits etc. But better to be safe than sorry. Thanks again.
  20. trigger11


    700GPH pump Turnover rate would be 24.13 which should be pretty good. However, now the pump is pushing out over 600GPH. A 1 inch overflow pipe will handle up to 600GPH maximum. I believe a 1 1/2 pipe can handle 1200GPH but I could be wrong about that. I'm not sure what kind of overflow you...