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  1. trigger11

    New coral ID

    That's what the LFS called it but from looking at a lot of pics on here I didnt see any where the polyps looked the same as a flower pot. They look more like Xenia ends. But everything definitely comes out of the middle part so I think that would make it not Xenia. Well, if it is a flower pot...
  2. trigger11

    Massive losses

    Just a thought, but my guess would be that it has something to do with the water change. Either not adding enough salt, putting in too much salt. Etc... Also, do you ever use any additives at all when you did your water changes? If so then she may not be putting in the same amount as you. I...
  3. trigger11

    New coral ID

    Just picked this up at the LFS today and would like an ID please. Here it is just after putting into tank. It shriveled all the way down to like a half tennis ball size. Also, how do you get it so that you can put in commentaries around the pictures instead of having them all just show up...
  4. trigger11

    Shroom Baby

    Guess that makes me a papa. Mother shroom is on the left and baby shroom is right beside it. It has been there for about a week now but I was just able to get around to taking a pic. Enjoy!
  5. trigger11

    new tank setup HELP

    Your LFS is correct. You do not want to have regular gravel in a SW tank. There are two options Crushed Coral (which kind of does look like gravel) Or Live Sand Live Sand is the preferred substrate as it requires less maintenance and also provides more of a natural biological filtration for the...
  6. trigger11

    Noisy overflow

    You had mentioned that your return pipe is 3/4". What size are the overflow pipes connected from the overflow box to the wet/dry? 3/4" or a different size? Definitely need more flow in any event. In looking at your pictures the one U-Tube that is not getting enough flow is dangerously close...
  7. trigger11

    would this be enough flow?

    I think what you really will want to do in your situation is calculate what your turnover rate will be in the tank Turnover rate = GPH / Tanks Size in Gallons So, you have a Mag-12 pump which does 1200GPH With a 72G tank. Turnover rate = 16.6x Suggested turnover rate for corals is between 20x...
  8. trigger11

    Oh great...

    Maybe I am way off base here but if you have been having issues with hair algae and now the PH is fluctuating. I am wondering if you have started using different water recently? Or possibly a different salt mix?
  9. trigger11

    Connecting 2 tanks..

    Here are my thoughts. Having a 10g and a 5g my initial thinking would be that you would not want to hassle with joining the two tanks together. If you were dead set on joining the two I think you could probably get away with using a 3/4 inch bulkhead in each tank. Then connect the two with a...
  10. trigger11

    clown fight?

    From everything I have read the general consencus is that you would only want to have 2 Clownfish in the tank. However, as with everything that doesnt mean it is an absolute rule. When I first started my tank I rescued 3 Clownfish from a person that was getting ready to send them to porcelin...
  11. trigger11

    frogspawn positioning

    I have had one of my FS horizontal for at least 6 months now and he has done great.
  12. trigger11

    what water tests should i do?

    Good question. Having had a tank for 8 months now I would say it all depends on what stage your tank is in for what tests you should run. For example, If you have a new tank then I would check the following every few days. 1. SG should be 1.023 - 1.027 2. PH should be 8.0 - 8.5 3. Ammonia...
  13. trigger11

    Anyone ever convert their wet/dry bioball into a refugium?

    I didnt add any baffles to the wet/dry I had. That doesnt mean you couldnt though. The sky is pretty much the limit. I think it would really just depend on what you wanted to accomplish. The wet/dry I had fit pretty well under my stand so I left it pretty much alone. As long as you get the...
  14. trigger11

    Baby frogspawn

    Congratulations on being a proud new parent. I wish my frogspawn would do that.
  15. trigger11

    need help figuring out my tank sizes

    Ahh, maybe a 60G high then.
  16. trigger11

    Water Change or Not??

    My opinion: Assuming you have no livestock in the tank at the moment. No fish or inverts. Then, Let the tank finish cycling completely before doing any water changes. (Also do not add anything that says helps cycle faster) Have you only added the live rock and sand so far? Did you put a dead...
  17. trigger11

    need help figuring out my tank sizes

    Tank size = (Length x Width x Height) / 231 So in your case ( 30 x 18 x 24) / 231 = 56g The dimensions you give are not what the standard size would be for a 55G. Is this a Hex tank or a corner tank you have? If so then you have to do a little more figuring to get the size in gallons because...
  18. trigger11

    Anyone ever convert their wet/dry bioball into a refugium?

    From the experience I have had and everything I have read about I would not recommend using bio balls ever. They collect a lot of crap on them and have to be cleaned fairly often. And considering the location the wet/dry is usually in this is not an easy task. In my opinion I would take out...
  19. trigger11

    Anyone ever convert their wet/dry bioball into a refugium?

    I converted mine. Originally it was a 20g wet/dry with bio balls. I made a DIY sump out of a trashcan and then that feeds into my now refugium. My wet/dry only had one baffle in it. I took the bio balls out of the section that has the checkered grate. I then put some live rock rubble pieces...
  20. trigger11

    New camera pics 60G Hex
