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  1. trigger11

    Whats the best supplements?

    I use two products by Seachem that seem to work pretty good. Reefbuilder to raise the dKh and the Calcium to raise the calcium.
  2. trigger11

    Hex tank

    I would suggest looking into MH lighting by Current USA Sunpod. They make a fixture with a 250W bulb that should work pretty well and have fixtures in various lengths. Since we cant post specific links you could easily google that and should get lots of hits. I myself have a 60g hex tank and...
  3. trigger11

    My First Tank..!!!

    I would definitely recommend going with the Live Rock. You will be much happier in the end. Even though you say you are only going to do fish only for a while it sounds to me like you would end up getting pretty serious with the hobby and you will end up going to a reef. If you have an ample...
  4. trigger11


    If you are going to add two clowns I would agree to add them at the same time. That way you can get a pair. Or at the very least see how they interact with each other at the LFS. Adding the clowns would put you at the stock limit or be just a bit over IMO. (This would depend on how big the...
  5. trigger11

    First video of my 125!!!!

    Great video. Yes, I love how the feather duster closes and then the music changes as it starts opening. You couldnt have planned that any better if you tried.
  6. trigger11

    im an idiot need help

    Well, at only .25 for ammonia that doesnt sound like it would be high enough that it would have killed the fish. Although I would definitely say you are going through a cycle. I am wondering how you cleaned the new live rock? Did you use any kind of chemicals or maybe a brush that you had...
  7. trigger11

    New to hobby/board

    You can never ask too many questions. I wish I had asked more before I started actually. And the thing is you learn things all of the time. You could put your QT down below your display tank if you have room for it there. Although before you do that I would recommend doing some reading on...
  8. trigger11

    Ph Level

    7.8 is not terrible. Alkalinity is a much more reliable factor for determining how well your system is able to buffer the water. If you keep the alk stable then the ph will stay stable right along with it. Using those additives to raise ph has never worked for me. And even when they seemed...
  9. trigger11

    New to hobby/board

    Oh, I forgot to add. Depending on what kind of reef you plan on having will also determine what kind of lights you need to get if you havent gotten those yet.
  10. trigger11

    New to hobby/board

    Welcome to the boards. Usually the rule of thumb is 1lb of LR per gallon of water. The more the better. Especially if you are planning on having a reef. I would add the LS in there as soon as possible. Give it some time to settle. Then you can get your LR in there. With 45 of LR to start...
  11. trigger11

    Test results HELP!!!

    Your PH is pretty high at 8.8 Ideally should be around 8.3 8.5 is starting to get on the high side. SG at 1.029 is pretty high. Ideally 1.025 is good especially if have any inverts in the tank. Adding purple up on the surface seems like a good idea because it does claim to help with...
  12. trigger11

    please help! nitrates and diatom out of control

    Yes, I would ditch the bio balls and go with LR or LR rubble. I had bio balls for a while and they just got super dirty with detritus. Which would end up going through the cycle producing more nitrates. Ever since I took out the bio balls and put in a refugium I have never had a nitrate problem.
  13. trigger11

    Very new at this, just a few questions

    Welcome to the boards and also welcome to the most addictive hobby on the planet. It sounds to me like your Coralife lights are PC lights. The blue colored bulb would be an actinic bulb. I would check and see if you can find out any model numbers or any other identifiying marks on them. If...
  14. trigger11

    Can I scrape it off?

    Sounds like diatoms to me. Pretty normal to happen at the end of the cycling period. Ideally you would not have wanted to have any livestock in there yet. Your snails and hermits should do a fine job of cleaning up any that will make it to the sand. The only part you would want to clean...
  15. trigger11

    New to saltwater...have a few questions!

    I myself have a 60g hex tank and I love it. The same fish you have in the bio cube tanks will love the tallness of the hex tank. The only thing you really need to be careful about is if you are having corals. Need to have a stronger light so you can put things on the bottom. Otherwise have...
  16. trigger11

    Fuzzy Mushroom question

    No, I dont feed it anything. Do fuzzy mushrooms need to be fed? I was under the impression they were a filter feeder.
  17. trigger11

    Fuzzy Mushroom question

    I have had a fuzzy mushroom for about 2 months now. I was wondering what experience other folks have had with theirs to tell when it is happy. When I see them at the LFS they basically are all laying down flat against the rock almost. Mine has only done that once I think. Most of the time...
  18. trigger11

    what next?

    Hmm, you ask an interesting question. Ideally you are going to want to stick with smaller sized fish. You could probably do some sort of pygmy angel like a coral beauty or flame angel. Although it is not a guarantee they will be coral safe. The other part of the equation is the damsels you...
  19. trigger11

    calcium problems

    I highly suggest checking out this link. I have a feeling you have more than a high calcium issue happening. ~Russ
  20. trigger11

    20 Gal. starter needs advice

    As to your question about the protein skimmer. I myself have just recently went skimmerless. The more LR you have the better your filtration is. So, if you keep the tank lightly stocked until you can get more LR you could avoid getting a skimmer. Or, get a skimmer until you get more LR if...