Search results

  1. trigger11

    what is my problem with swf?????

    How long was your QT period before placing the fish into the DT? Ich can take up to like 3 weeks before becoming noticeable. So the QT period should be at least 3 weeks long. It might be worth having your QT tank in hypo the next time you try a new fish. But I do think I would wait a bit and...
  2. trigger11

    New to saltwater...have a few questions!

    Yes, this is a very addictive hobby. Expensive too. I can't believe how much I have all ready spent. The only advice I would offer would be to avoid the small angel as you put it. Even a small angel will grow pretty big for a 14g. You also may want to look into getting a small hob protein...
  3. trigger11

    Emergency--fish Might Die!

    The first thing to do is get as many of the cords as dry as you can. Might even need another surge protector if it took a hit. It also is sounding to me like the overflow is not functioning correctly to get the water to the refugium. Can you tell if it has a U-Tube kind of cyphon? (It sounds...
  4. trigger11

    setting up brackets on current usa orbit

    If you are using the legs that came with it you will notice that on one end of the fixture you will see a line that divides two pieces of plastic. Basically the whole glass undercarrage will end up sliding over a bit and then you can get the legs started to slide down. It would have been nice...
  5. trigger11

    Why can't I keep snails?

    What kind of snails are you trying to keep in the tank? And what are your algae conditions like? The reason I ask is because I have found some snails like the turbo snail mostly likes to stay on the rocks. Every once in a while they would make their way over to the glass. In my tank I have...
  6. trigger11

    am i ready for a coral or anemone

    I myself would avoid using different sized water changes every other week. If I have learned one thing about keeping a sw tank going it is to try to be as consistent as possible. During times when I have not been able to be consistent is when water parameters got squirrelly on me. But maybe...
  7. trigger11

    am i ready for a coral or anemone

    Sounds to me like you are ready for some corals. As suggested I would try some of the hardier one's first. Like zoo's or mushrooms. I wouldnt try an anenome until you get confident you can keep the other guys going. Looking over your tank list there is one item you may have to pay a little...
  8. trigger11

    Coraline Turning White?!

    I am interested in hearing the response to this as well. I had green coraline color growing for a few months. Then it finally switched over to purple after I got a new MH light about a week ago. Now, I have one little rock that is turning all white.
  9. trigger11

    Is this ok??

    The only thing I would caution against would be adding too many snails. In fact, I would only add more if you are having algae issues. Otherwise your LB will not get enough to eat. Unless of course you are supplementing with algae sheets or something like that. I originally had 12 snails in...
  10. trigger11


    I would say a pair of percs would be the most you would want. After that then you could possibly get away with having one other small fish if your filtration is good. Otherwise the bio load will be too much. The main point is the more fish you have the more waste will need to be broken down...
  11. trigger11

    I'm thinking of getting rid of my Green Chromis

    When I first started my tank I had to take out two very aggressive damsels. In order to do so I had to remove just about every rock to get them out. If I had to do something like that over again I would try something like this. That is sold on this website...
  12. trigger11

    When will my Xenia start to pulse?

    I have had some Xenia for a couple of months. When I saw it at the LFS it was pulsing like crazy. It was beautiful. After I got it home it pulsed for a day at the most and it has never pulsed since. My nitrates are always zero pretty much and I try to keep the rest of the water levels in...
  13. trigger11

    cleaner shrimp?

    My guess is it wouldnt be a cause for concern. Did you QT the clowns before placing them in the DT? I would be more concerned if the clowns were going to the shrimp a lot. In your case it just sounds like the shrimp is trying to do his job and the clowns arent too happy with it. Mine are the...
  14. trigger11

    Recommended camera equipment

    Thank you all for the responses. I did some research on the DSLR Canon EOS Rebel's and read some reviews about the lens that comes with the camera being crappy. Nobody ever really said how it was crappy. Does it just not telephoto out very far? Or not do very well close up? I am seriously...
  15. trigger11

    Recommended camera equipment

    This is good information. I am not up to speed with digital camera terminology. What does SLR stand for? Or what is a main feature of it?
  16. trigger11

    Recommended camera equipment

    Hello All, I have tried searching but I must not be looking for the right words. I am looking for any recommendations on a good digital camera to get to take pictures of my tank with. I have a digital camera now but I only know how to operate it in automatic mode. I dont have the manual so I...
  17. trigger11


    I have a 60G hex tank and I use a HOB overflow kit. One side with a collection cup like thing sits on the inside of the tank and then another part hangs on the back where the water will go down to the sump. A U-Tube carries the water from inside the tank to the outside. Just be careful and by...
  18. trigger11

    Help stocking

    Here are my thoughts. Change the CC out now. You will be much happier in the long run. Especially with having a 10g set up. You will be doing water changes often. Once you get established getting the clown fish like you want would be a good thing. After that you are pretty much near the bio...
  19. trigger11


    Going with the refugium would be my vote actually. Keep some macro algae plants in there like chaeto and they will eat the nitrates right up. Which also reduces the nitrates other algae needs to grow. Keep a few pieces of LR in there and you can also have a nice place for copepods to grow...
  20. trigger11

    lots of pics of my tank

    By the way. Pretty nice pics for a camera phone. I think your pics came out better than I can get with my digital camera. Must be time to upgrade. :thinking: