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  1. trigger11

    converting wet dry to refugium

    I converted mine over. It may not be the prettiest but it is functional and works pretty good. Here is a link where I have posted about this before. Hope it helps.
  2. trigger11

    How long to cure live rock?

    Thanks to everyone who responded. This should be a fun project for me. Yesterday I took the 55G outside and cleaned it out real good. Also filled it all the way up and let it sit over night. Checked it this morning and no leaks so that is good.
  3. trigger11

    Brown Algae Problem Again

    I myself have not encountered any brown colored slime that is cyano bacteria. Most of the cyano I have read about is a red color. What you have sounds like diatoms to me. From your post it sounded like you started over with your tank? Which would mean it had to go through the cycle again and...
  4. trigger11


    For keeping corals the general recommended turnover rate for flow is between 20X and 30X. It is calculated as GPH / Tank Size (gallons) So, If all you had for flow is the 500GPH pump then your turnover rate would be 500 / 29 = 17.2X With that you are getting pretty close so it probably would...
  5. trigger11

    patches on live rock

    My guess would be coraline. If the tank has been up and running for a couple of months would be just about the right time for it to start growing. The way to know for sure though is check and see if any of these green spots make it onto the glass. If they are hard to scrape off it is...
  6. trigger11

    How long to cure live rock?

    I just recently picked up a second tank that is a 55G. It has about 50 pounds of dead rock in it (Dry). The rock has not been in any water for about a year is what the previous owner told me. I ended up getting the whole setup for $125 so seemed like a pretty good deal to me. What I am...
  7. trigger11

    First Anemone

    Welcome to the boards And congratz on your new tank. Here are my observations. Nitrates being at 15 is going to be on the high side for having corals. The anenome is considered a coral. From your picture it looks like there is an overflow? Does this go to a refugium? I hope so. As a...
  8. trigger11

    New Tank Setup Need help 95G Wave

    Welcome to the boards. Your list of equipment is looking pretty good to me. If you are having any inklings of going with a reef later you might want to do a little further research on the lights. For example, the lights you have listed would be ok for some corals but would not be strong...
  9. trigger11

    New tank

    If the coraline is not on the viewing part of the tank I would leave it there as it will begin growing again anyway. Yes, I myself would take out the bio balls and put LR in your sump. That is what I did with mine. Less maintenance and also gives more of a place for pods to grow where they...
  10. trigger11


    As far as adding supplements goes - Only add supplements you can test for. In keeping with this motto I seem to have to add alkalinity buffer every 3rd or 4th gallon of top off water that I add to the system. In the past few weeks I have started adding the Kent Marine Essentials once a week...
  11. trigger11

    One of my clown fish died

    Your dKH is a bit low at 7 Have you ever checked the calcium level? Calcium and alkalinity sort of go hand in hand. Since you have corals the calcium level should be checked at least once every couple of weeks. Other than that your other levels sound good to me.
  12. trigger11

    Live rock has icing?

    I agree, it sounds like the coraline is dying off. Once the tank gets established should grow back.
  13. trigger11

    Mixing different kinds of shrimp?

    Is it ok to mix different kinds of shrimp? I currently have 1 Fire shrimp. I would like to get 2 or 3 peppermint shrimp as I am having some issues with aiptasia and I am hoping they will be able to help take care of it. Eventually I would like to add a cleaner shrimp as well. I know the...
  14. trigger11

    mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it

    It's not Mythbusters It's Reefbusters Or maybe ReefKprZbusterZ Sounds like a good experiment.
  15. trigger11

    Couple of pics

    Ahh crap. Maybe you have to have the whole string in there to post from photobucket. Sorry, Favorite Coral Full Tank Pic
  16. trigger11

    Couple of pics

    Hmm, I must have done something wrong. Only one picture showed up. Will try again Here is my favorite coral [img]Full Tank Pic[img]
  17. trigger11

    Couple of pics

    Here are a few favorite pics I have taken of my tank so far. Let me know what ya think. This is also my first try at using photobucket to host the pictures so hopefully it works out. This first pic is of my favorite coral. A huge frogspawn. As a bonus the clownfish that likes swimming near...
  18. trigger11

    Week 2

    Sounds to me as if you may have missed the cycle as well. In fact, your tank may well be fully cycled now. There are some test kits out there that do give a false reading for ammonia at .25 Red Sea being one of them. Might be worth taking a water sample into your LFS and have them do a...
  19. trigger11

    pH Up

    Couple of points before answering the question. What is your PH currently at? If it is between 7.9 and 8.5 that is an acceptable range. Also, if the PH is low it usually is a sign that your alkalinity is low as well. In which case, if the alkalinity gets buffered up to normal parameter then...
  20. trigger11

    New coral ID

    Thanks for the positive identification. Figures with my luck. Finding something so beautiful would be super hard to keep. Since putting it back in the ocean really isnt an option I will enjoy it for as long as I can. Any advice on my other question about how you put in words with the pictures...