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  1. almarktool

    Need Help Bad

    i would start out with 4-5 of them prob best bet would be your LFS since that is all u are looking for
  2. almarktool

    Does anyone know how to figure displacement ?

    as Azonic said u are not going to come up with a calculator for that one i put in 250lbs of Lr and it only took up 20-25 galls of water i would have thought more but i measured it out, in regards to 2nd question the answer is both , more water makes for less drastic changes in the enviroment...
  3. almarktool

    buying ro/di

    well don't know of any that i would not buy, i did buy a kent HI-S 60GPD and have been using it for 9 months so far and i am very happy with it, i tend to stay with a big company on items like this i know i will always be able to get filters from or some other place
  4. almarktool

    Need Help Bad

    might be a diatom bloom are u just finishing up your cycle? if so this is normal and perhaps u are ready for some snails
  5. almarktool

    dumb question

    Wamp, Thanks i think i'll add some shrimp as u know most of those hardy damsels can be a pain in the butt later and there is no way i'll get one out of the 200 gall tank now i just got to figure out what i am going to put in it othere than the emperator angel i want
  6. almarktool


    Ryan, i know u got that new super camera when u going to put up some pics of it in action, i'd realy like to see you top your other pictures LOL Mark
  7. almarktool

    dumb question

    ok i know i should know better but i'll ask away anyway, set up my 200 RR on sat with 250lbs of LR , LS will be here on thurs just tested water everything is -0- anyway question i am not really expecting to see a amonia spike it is all cured lr from my LFS will i get a nitrite rise at all ...
  8. almarktool

    The End Has Come

    COWFISH, YOU THERE ? sorry got to abort mission i was cleaning out my 20 gal tonight to get ready for the snails and goby, and the f---ing tank slipped out of my hand , needless to say i don't have tank for them anymore sorry, if u want i might know someone who would be interesed they...
  9. almarktool

    canopy with no glass

    thanks everyone, but also those of u that have no glass tops is there plexiglass or anything at all seperating your bulb from the water?
  10. almarktool

    My new tank!

    well i take questions 1 & 2 for you 1, best way to raise your salinity will be to add 1.023-1.024 salinty water when doing your top offs for now untill u get it where u want it to be then u can go back to just adding plain water 2, if it were me i would look into one of the power compact hoods...
  11. almarktool

    Floresent LIGHT

    no reason why it won't work, would be no differen than having them in a light fixture, question is what do u want to keep in the tank is it a fish only tank ?
  12. almarktool

    The End Has Come

    cowfishrule, sorry to hear u are leaving, if u are in union NJ u are not far from me i live in Green Brook Nj u are more than welcome to stop by and see my setup's and perhaps pick up some info if u are considering to get back into the hobby i have a 72 setup for almost 1 year and in the...
  13. almarktool

    canopy with no glass

    anyone using a canopy and not using the glass tops ? if so anyproblems with the bulbs getting wet and or breaking, i set up my canopy and my PC bulbs are about 3-4" away from the water and would the nozzle returns looks like they might get splashed from time to time will the bulbs break ...
  14. almarktool

    Bulkhead flowrate

    hmm well i would add 3/4" bulkhead in the chamber that only has 1 and then i would open up the other 2 1" ( 1 on each end ) to accept a 1 1/4 or a 1 1/2 it should be easy to open them
  15. almarktool

    dam ich

    Hypo only works at 1.009-1.010 1.008 is to low
  16. almarktool

    got tank back, next...

    well i am setting up my 200 now steps i took added pure water first checked all pumps and plumbing and double checked level ? found level out drained tank releveled check pumps again let it run for 2 days get oxygen in the water everything is fine then added salt run for 5 days...
  17. almarktool

    Bulkhead flowrate

    i contacted ocinaic in regards to this and i was advised that they are good for 1000 GPH , how ever this would be prob with excellant drains, i just set up my 200 RR and i have 2 iwaki 55rlt pressure rated pumps that push 1050 gph, and the over flows could not keep up, i then did a...
  18. almarktool

    ph monitor

    well i use the pinpoint ph mointor and LOVE it, i was having trouble with ph and the test avaible had to wide of a range for me so i invested in it think it is 100.00 best piece i bought 2nd to my refractometer, just a note the salinty monitor is not that good get a refractometer much...
  19. almarktool

    Services will be held at noon Sunday ...

    perhaps u have a hitchiker that goes by the name of mantis ?
  20. almarktool

    Harlequin Tusk

    yes nuts for putting one in a small tank, i do not beleive they are reef safe at all my LFS has 2 of them 5" long and u should see the chompers on these guys,