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  1. almarktool

    Top This Slothy!

    hnf2k what do u mean by floating thermoter ?? if it is galss and breaks u could have a real problem on your hands , if it is plastic then u prob will be ok
  2. almarktool

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    nolofin, LOL last thing i am is ticked off, i enjoyed last night it was alot of fun especially throwing the angle in to confuse some people, however i was also curious to see if any one would step up and be smarter which they weren't ( disapointed ) what do i mean ?? well anyone that was...
  3. almarktool

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    oh by no means did i win by neing 49 or 50 i won by figuring out the loop hole LOL and now no one will know who one till tommorrow so go gets some sleep
  4. almarktool

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    skilos, yes it does say that however they will have to admit it was a triva question or the will have 2 award 2 prizes one for the 50th reply and one for the 50th post in which case if they go with the trivia option i will save them 75.00 dollars :)
  5. almarktool

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    well to those of u if u read the directions carefully this was nothimg more than a triva quiz and since i figured it out i am the winner , ?? confused well the heading in the post says 50th person to reply to this post is the winner however in the next set of directions it says the 50th post is...
  6. almarktool

    Whats the real story behind live rock ??

    new fish yes will def increase your bio filtererzation alot as does live sand on my 72 gall i have 75lbs lr 100 ls and a good skimmer that is it no w/d no other filters and my water parms a perfect i can't even grow alge in process of setting up my 220 the same way
  7. almarktool

    This algae is killing my seafan, help!

    wow, i just lost my alge blenny i would have paid u to send me some of that alge 3 days ago
  8. almarktool

    Beth, help

    beth thanks a million yeah lets go some of that city tap water so we can grow some alge it makes sense but mental block in the head says no, perhaps like u said a small tank on the dining room table,shades open to grow some alge , then what would u do scrape it off the glass and put some in...
  9. almarktool

    bubble algae

    well u could always take the rock out put it in a bucket of saltwater and pick it off there , that would be my first shot at it, i have 2 emerals and well the don't even look at the green bublles i prob got 4-5 of them around for 9 months no no problems so far, if anyone has a emerad that...
  10. almarktool

    Beth, help

    well i lost him Beth just to for future ref, i could have left him in the main tank he would not have gotten ick from this , i thought perhaps that a fish starvin might bring on stress in which case could cause a ick break out, i know there is talk about ick be dormant in fish and comes...
  11. almarktool

    Beth, help

    beth, pospates in the main tank are 0, have not seen him yet today i guess he is still hiding i hope, going to put him back in the main tank as soon as i get a hold of him, terry thanks for the input, i tried the formula 2 but he has not touched it yet, i do research my fish before i purchase...
  12. almarktool

    Weird red round worm HELP IDENTIFY PLEASE

    well if u got a hold of a camera and could a pic up it would be a lot easier to identify, round red worm doesn't say much, does it have lots of little feet and perhaps look like a baby bristle worm
  13. almarktool

    Building a 150G salt water

    well, first off welcome to the board glad to see u have been doing lot's of reading before jumping in , now your 2 questions my opion goes as so the holes well back drilled u will have to have the tank further away from a wall as far as to how far up do not have that answer , if bottom...
  14. almarktool

    Beth, help

    well my tanks are in the basement, i upped the main tank to 12 hours lighting seeweed as u know can't tell if the current took it or the fish the main tank is 9 months old never ever lost a fish in there read and followed this bored for a bit before i set up my tank he was one of my...
  15. almarktool

    Beth, help

    Beth , got any alge u want to sell ?? ( just kidding ) anyway i had thought i had lost him tonight took 3 hours for him to show up he does seem to be eating some seaweed off the clip i put in for him, and this hospital tank i have is not normal it was a inbetween tank u might call it ...
  16. almarktool

    RO valve ?

    i would def not shut off the outcoming ro water since that line is pressurized and will eventuall cause u to spring a leak somewhere, i actually have mine set up in the garage to a spicket and have a 30 gallon drum that i fill up and then just turn the water when it is filled, after awhile...
  17. almarktool


  18. almarktool

    Beth, help

    beth, thanks for the input i'll try making him up something he seems to be holding is own and eating some seaweed but not sure how long it will take for him to get fat, yes funny how we are trying to grow alge, i already have 400 watts of pc in the tank on 10 hours a day corals look great as...
  19. almarktool


    how do i go about raising it?