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  1. mbrands

    The Do Not Buy List

    annanymous - Thats the first bad experience I've heard regarding the BakPak skimmer. I've got a few to add: 1. Don't buy a SeaClone skimmer. While others may have had success, there are far more aquarists (myself included) who have had nothing but horrible experiences with them. 2. Don't fall...
  2. mbrands

    Good setup???

    Originally posted by whaa...? they are like alot of watts each None of those are "a lot of watts". I've got power compacts on my 55 and have 260 watts total. Metal hallides for a 55 can be as high as 500 watts or more. The lights you are referring to can only suppord fish, live rock and...
  3. mbrands

    giving up on reef tank

    larry, What specifically are the problems you are having with corals?
  4. mbrands

    Electricity Outages

    Nancy - Unfortunately, there is not exact answer for your question. The time period would vary based on the tank size, inhabitants, even the filter type (cannisters can supposedly leak toxins back into the tank if not running). Your best bet is to be as prepared as possible. A generator is...
  5. mbrands

    fish death

    monte, I've got AquaClear and they've never given me any problems. I have a MaxiJet attached to my skimmer and it is supposed to be a reputable name as well. If you are doing fish only you want 10x turnover (550 gallons/hour) minimum. That minimum does include your canister filter's turnover...
  6. mbrands

    Good setup???

    Try to find out the output. It sounds like they are standard florescent lights and will NOT support a reef system. They will work fine if you want to start out with just fish though.
  7. mbrands

    The Do Not Buy List

    ReefNut - Is this list intended to be fish only or products as well? Great idea! :D
  8. mbrands

    fish death

    Originally posted by Snipe have not done a water change yet(Should of done a water change right after the cycle was over or at least 1 week after!) Snipe is correct, but more specifically you should have done several water changes by now. You stated the tank is "now 2 months old". I try to do...
  9. mbrands

    Good setup???

    Originally posted by whaa...? he said i could keep soft and medium corals Never heard of a "medium" coral before, only soft and hard. You'd need to be more specific of the lighting you are talking about. Some LFS only sell NO (normal output), while others sell everything up to MH (metal...
  10. mbrands

    HELP! fish sick?

    My clowns had similar behaviors the first few days they were in the tank. It could be adjusting to their new home and the stress of being moved.
  11. mbrands

    fish death

    How are you acclimating the new fish? What kind of filter do you have, specifically. All filters are mechanical. Are you running any powerheads? Do you have a protein skimmer set up? How frequently, and in what amount, do you do waterchanges? The rapid breathing makes me thing you aren't...
  12. mbrands

    Good setup???

    What Ross said, but use RO water, not tap. I'd suggest more powerheads in a tank that size. As a minimum, you want 10x your tank volume (750) gallons per hour for fish only and 20x for reef. More smaller powerheads is better than 2 at hurricane force. I'd suggest 2 or 3 heaters evenly spaced...
  13. mbrands


    Thanks again!! :cheer: I'm still "introducing" my new lighting to the other inhabitants of the tank, so I won't likely have the lighting at full-blast for more than 3-4 hours a day. I'll probably only use the actinics the first day the anemone is in the tank. I also didn't think he'd likely...
  14. mbrands


    Thomas - Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I was searching on the proper method of acclimation for an anemone. I ordered a rose bubble tip anemone from an online vendor. Assuming the anemone is shipped out of water as your previous post suggested, how would I drip acclimate? Just put the...
  15. mbrands

    Please Help My Mandarin

    Have you checked with your LFS? I'm pretty sure one in my area sells them, so you might get lucky with yours.
  16. mbrands

    Acrylic scratch removal...??

    I have a glass tank, but as I understand it minor scratches are fairly easy to remove from acrylic tanks. The scratch removal kit is likely several pieces of sandpaper (or sandpaper-like material). You will start with the roughest one and work towards the finest one. Good luck!
  17. mbrands

    Do Anemone hurt fish?

    Long Tentacle Anemone (LTA). I'd read through some threads in the "clownfish & anemone" forum as well.
  18. mbrands

    bubble tip ok?

    Thomas - I apologize that you had to post the same information again, but I swear I hadn't read it before. :D Thanks again! I realize that each anemone may act differently, but its nice to hear from someone who has experience keeping them. :D
  19. mbrands

    bubble tip ok?

    One more question . . . As Viper indicated in the above posting, "BTA's are not aggressive". Does anyone think I would have issues adding soft corals later? I thought it would be best to add the anemone first to determine its favorite location. After that, I thought I'd add corals to other...
  20. mbrands

    please help a beginner out!?!?!?

    This has nothing to do with the algae, but how are you acclimating your snails?