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  1. mbrands

    Electricity Outages

    If you are concerned over temperature in the even of a summer time power outage, why not float some ice cubes in a ziploc bag?
  2. mbrands


    Thanks for your help! I'd been thinking about a few peppermint shrimp for cleaning purposes anyway, so I appreciate the suggestion Jedi!
  3. mbrands


    eel, If you are serious about keeping one, I'd suggest some "practice" with FOWLR for a while. From what I've read octopus are extremely sensitive to water chemistry. Even in a healthy tank, most don't live more than 18-24 months. As journeyman said, they are escape artists. If their eye will...
  4. mbrands


    With nothing else? What kind of octopus?
  5. mbrands


    Originally posted by fishieness try serching it online for a ppicture. Thanks for the suggestion. After looking through several websites from a google search I'm still confident it is a featherduster (or now maybe a fan worm). Thank you all! :D
  6. mbrands


    bigarn & Salty, Does aptasia "disappear" into a white tube or would that definitely make it a featherduster? Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to get a clear picture. I realize how difficult that makes to get a postive ID. Thank you both for trying to help!!
  7. mbrands

    giving up on reef tank

    oops! The photo didn't attach. Please ignore the water marks on the glass. I haven't cleaned up from adding the new critters.
  8. mbrands

    giving up on reef tank

    larry, Allow me to make a suggestion based on my limited experience. If you are certain that you want to do away with all corals and keep FOWLR get a Hawaiian spotted puffer. Mine had the best personality and didn't fight with my clowns or gobies. He did pick on my cc star though. I say...
  9. mbrands

    Harlequin Bubble Sea Slug

    I just got one that I ordered (probably from the other site you mentioned). I didn't find anything indicating they were harmful, but its in my 10 gallon nano to be safe. You wouldn't believe how small this fella is! I thought they sent me an empty bag.
  10. mbrands


    Originally posted by Salty Cheese Sounds like a harmless feather duster. Thats what I'm hoping for!!! I took 4 pictures, but my digital camera loses focus on things that small. I'd get a better one, but I've spent all my money on this tank.
  11. mbrands

    Electricity Outages

    Good idea! 85 degrees and sunny today. No natural disasters! :cheer:
  12. mbrands


    I'll try. Its pretty small. What is the best method of getting rid of it. I've only found this one small head/piece.
  13. mbrands


    Can someone confirm for me that aptasia do NOT have the ability to move in and out of live rock, similar to how a featherduster does? I found what I believe to be a new featherduster in my live rock. It is predominantly white with small red spots. If a fish moves by it, it sort of ducks back...
  14. mbrands

    way to clean CC

    It might if you left the gravel vac unattended. Usually it only took me (when I had CC) a few minutes to get 5 gallons (10%) of gunky water out.
  15. mbrands

    I think i found a way to cycle with damsels!

    Originally posted by ophiura Shrimp is much cheaper Shrimp would be much more effective too. How much waste do you think a teeny tiny damsel creates compared to a rotting cocktail shrimp?
  16. mbrands

    way to clean CC

    Use a gravel vac when doing your water change.
  17. mbrands

    Electricity Outages

    The computer powerbackups mentioned only run for about 15 minutes. :nope:
  18. mbrands

    Water change with no cycle?

    What test kit are you using? Some are known to give a false-positive reading for ammonia. After 13 weeks I'd think you would test for some nitrates. If it weren't for that I'd say your tank didn't really go through a typical cycle due to the amount of LR.
  19. mbrands

    Ideas For Water Changes

    Its pretty easy process for me. I can change the actual water in about 5 minutes. I pre-mix RO water and salt in a 20 gallon rubbermaid trashcan with a powerhead and heater for at least 24 hours. I turn off the power to everything (heaters, powerheads, filter, etc) to avoid any heaters from...
  20. mbrands

    any idea's on decorating tank

    There are fake corals that look pretty realistic. I'd get more LR when you can. Good LR should have a signifigant amount of corraline algae (which comes in several different colors). Also, you can keep some mushrooms and polyps with NO lighting, but your choices will be limited.