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  1. mbrands

    help! what is that?

    Yeah. After 48 hours I've realized that mine does that a few times a day. Mine also moved, but not far from where I had originally placed him. He went about 4-5" around to the other side of the rock I had him against.
  2. mbrands

    Big Fish Oder + New Tank

    Originally posted by dmc888 I heard cb shrimps can be aggressive. I've heard the same about CB shrimp. Also, keep in mind that cc stars are cool, but not reef safe.
  3. mbrands

    Big Fish Oder + New Tank

    I used 3 raw shrimp for my 55. I wouldn't bother with using more. I didn't really notice a foul smell, but other might have had different experiences. My tank is in our den, so we don't have to sleep with the smell/noise or anything. When you are ready to start buying, check out About the...
  4. mbrands

    yellow tang and

    I haven't ordered a yellow tang from, but the general consensus I've read through other postings is that people are very happy with all fish, inverts, LR, etc available through this website. Happy ordering. :D
  5. mbrands

    Big Fish Oder + New Tank

    Originally posted by dmc888 Instead of using damsels and a shrimp for cycling. I would use 3-5 raw shrimps. Most damsels are not a good fish to have. And many people end up getting rid of them. Also it may kill the fish. I heard cb shrimps can be aggressive. I skimmed through your original...
  6. mbrands

    Big Fish Oder + New Tank

    Adamm - Just noticed you are from Phoenix too. Welcome to the boards! :D Are you planning to ever keep any corals? If so, cut out the cc star. I had to take mine out of the tank when I upgraded my lights.
  7. mbrands

    torch coral acclimation

    Nevermind. I found this on another website. The air exposure was more what I had worried about. "Sponges, clams, scallops, and gorgonias should never be directly exposed to air."
  8. mbrands

    torch coral acclimation

    Nevermind. I found this on another website. The air exposure was more what I had worried about. "Sponges, clams, scallops, and gorgonias should never be directly exposed to air."
  9. mbrands

    Thinking about Starting a Salt Water Tank

    Originally posted by Loopy Actually, I disagree, you should be thinking about fish, and what you want Loopy is right. :yes: They type of fish, inverts, corals, etc that you'd like to keep might change some of your decisions on tank size and equipment. I'd recommend "The Conscientious Marine...
  10. mbrands

    torch coral acclimation

    Anyone know how long I should drip acclimate a torch coral (which has already been temp acclimated)? Also, I thought I had read that some corals shouldn't be exposed to air. Is the torch one? I posted this in the Reef Forum too, but thought maybe someone on here would be able to help. Thanks!!
  11. mbrands

    torch coral acclimation

    How long should a torch coral be drip acclimated? Also, should they not be exposed to the air at all (i.e. when transferring to the tank)? Thank you! :D
  12. mbrands

    Question about Protein Skimmer

    Originally posted by t11t5 How long does it take for this to start working? Mine never started working! :nope: I'd try to take it back and get something better.
  13. mbrands

    2 Questions

    #1. I don't have a cleaner shrimp, but if my sally lightfoot molts I don't usually see her for a day or two. #2. I would depend on the size of the fish. The generally accepted rule is 1" of fish (at adult size) per 5 gallons of water . . . you can go up to about 11".
  14. mbrands

    Water Conditioner Question

    If you can't be certain, do you really want to put it in your tank? I wouldn't recommend it. Try searching on the company's website to see if you can find more information.
  15. mbrands


    I have a MaxiJet on my protein skimmer and also use AquaClears for water movement. I haven't had an issue with either brand.
  16. mbrands

    help! what is that?

    Absolutely! Thanks! :D I took the puffer to AquaTouch on Friday for store credit. They didn't offer much considering how valuable he was to me, but at least they'll take good care of him until he has a new home. I've got my 10 set up with the cc star and 2 snails for now. The star is back to...
  17. mbrands

    The Do Not Buy List

    Originally posted by Scorphntr Are those chesapeke bay retreivers in your avatar? If so how do they do in Arizona's hot weather? Nope. 2 Goldens . . . 1 from Indiana and 1 from here. The picture is them in the back seat of our car coming back from Dog Beach in San Diego. They're still wet...
  18. mbrands

    my new addition

    Originally posted by jimmy234 looks like u need some swimming activity though Actually, I've got 2 clowns (who have yet to show an interest in the anemone) and 2 twin spot gobies. I had a Hawaiian spotted puffer, but had to take him back to the LFS to keep corals. He has only been gone 24...
  19. mbrands


    Thank you!!
  20. mbrands

    my new addition

    Thanks, Bill F! Its called a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone. The tentacles aren't as long as they probably look in the picture.