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  1. mbrands

    cured uncured?

    Uncured will have a lot of die off and create an ammonia spike (and thus another cycle). Cured is safe to add to a tank as there should be no die off.
  2. mbrands

    First Corals Are In! 2 Xenias How Are They Doing? Pics!!

    They look great to me. I was asking where you got them because I wanted to see what a xenia from looks like. From other posts most people are really happy with their orders. Good luck with your 2 new ones!
  3. mbrands

    Changing substrate

    Change it. I changed from CC to sand in my 55 and it looks much better. Try the "search" function in the top right corner. There have been dozens of threads talking about changing substrate over the past few weeks.
  4. mbrands

    Transporting Live Rock?

    Originally posted by gfk even if its legal, leave it in the ocean Better answer. :yes:
  5. mbrands

    First Corals Are In! 2 Xenias How Are They Doing? Pics!!

    Out of curiousity, where did you get them? LFS?
  6. mbrands

    Transporting Live Rock?

    I'd first look into what laws would possibly put you in jail (or a large fine) for something like that. If there are no laws against it, I'd suggest trying to package it and ship it to your home address instead of carrying it with you. I ordered LR from an online retailer. The wrapped the rock...
  7. mbrands

    FOWLR Nitrates Survey

    Originally posted by TAZ_12777 I think the limit is around 30. When you go to a reef system it should be 0. I've heard you don't want to go above 40 in FOWLR. Getting down to zero and maintaining it can be tough with some systems. I just started to covert to reef and am currently (luckily)...
  8. mbrands

    question about my girlfriends tank

    Originally posted by yardman4ev Ok, here we go, my girlfriend has a 55 gallon setup, and her fish are dyeing one by one, she has lost 8 in the past two weeks Sounds like her tank might be overstocked. I've only got 5 fish in my 55. If she lost 8 over 2 weeks, how many are remaining?? She...
  9. mbrands


    If you don't even have the 55 yet, I'd suggest you start saving now. Assume it will take a few more weeks to get the tank, a few weeks to cycle, then a few weeks until you have a fish in it. That means you won't even need the skimmer for probably 3 months or so.
  10. mbrands

    Setting up 55, have filter questions

    Actually, looking back at the photo I posted I just remembered that for a short while I did have a large AquaClear HOB filter. However, I was trying to use it as a mini-refugium. I removed all of the filtration, added some sand from the tank, and added some macroalgae that a fellow hobbyist...
  11. mbrands

    Setting up 55, have filter questions

    The LR will act as a biological filtration. It houses beneficial bacteria that break ammonia down into (finally) nitrates. A skimmer, on the other hand, works as a mechanical filter. It cleans out the teeny tiny organic waste that you can't even see in your water. They do not work in the...
  12. mbrands

    Just a Couple Quickies!

    I did 25%, then re-tested 48 hours later. Wait for nitrites to be zero, otherwise you might just lenghten the cycle time.
  13. mbrands

    Setting up 55, have filter questions

    Thanks for the compliments Mike! :D I started with 45 pounds and added another 45 shortly after. The original LR was used the cycle the tank. The additional LR was cured in a large Rubbermaid trashcan. Both orders of LR came from the same online retailer, but not so I can't list the...
  14. mbrands


    Invest in the Remora. You can find it online for $165.
  15. mbrands

    Setting up 55, have filter questions

    Originally posted by Mike35019 15/bs give or take Mike, You might want to consider having more LR. It is a great form of filtration and 15 pounds isn't much in a 55. I've got about 80-90 in mine. Good luck with the new tank! :D
  16. mbrands

    test kit

    Everyone on here seems to love Salifert. I use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals because I got it at a good price.
  17. mbrands


    Some have had success with SeaClone skimmers, but I would say that in general most people (including myself) don't like them. For a 29 gallon I'd suggest getting a Bak Pak2 skimmer. For a slightly larger tank, like a 55 or so, I'd suggest the AquaC Remora. Those two seem to be the most liked...
  18. mbrands


    Mine came ready to be plugged in, except for the legs.
  19. mbrands

    50/50 lighting for fo?

    You don't need any special lighting for a fish only tank.
  20. mbrands


    I've got the Coralife you are talking about . . . 4x65w (2 actinic, 2 PC plus 4 lunar). I love it! I was amazed at the difference it had over a standard 40w flourescent (sp?). I too got mine for about $250, probably from the same online retailer. Don't forget to purchase the legs unless you...