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  1. mbrands

    Death. What I have learned.

    Sorry you lost everything, but I'm glad to hear you are giving it another shot. Good luck! :D
  2. mbrands

    adding salt water

    Originally posted by Ant the SG this am and it was 1.018 so I'm thinking I need to add more salt water. You need more salt mix. If the saltwater is premixed it should all be 1.018 salinity. Originally posted by Ant I have to use declorinating drops to my tap water at this point then mix with...
  3. mbrands

    RemoraC Pro skimmer- to have or not have the bubble eliminator box?????

    Its worth it. I purchased the Remora without the skimmer box, but had problems with all the microbubbles it puts back into the tank. The skimmer box is dark black and almost un-noticable (is that a word? :D ). I actually had mine in the tank for almost a week before my wife even saw it and...
  4. mbrands

    adding salt water

    So you have LR and RO water in the tank now with no salt added yet? If so, I'd take some of the water out, then add your salt mix in. Leaving a little room at the top of the tank makes getting the salinity correct much easier. You can top off with more RO water or water and salt, depending on...
  5. mbrands

    v.h.o. bulb ?'s

    bseth90 said it, but it wouldn't work because the ballast is only made to power a standard bulb. You could purchase new ballasts and new bulbs to make the fixture usable.
  6. mbrands

    lots of questions

    It is difficult to keep 3 clowns past the juvenile stage. They do best individually or paired. You might want to look at adding another powerhead or two. I've now got 3 on my 55 and am considering adding one more small one. Make sure there are no dead spots in the tank and that the water...
  7. mbrands

    Did I waste my cash

    You'll love having that metal hallide. I'd suggest setting up a tri-pod. Take a picture of your tank with the old hood, then one with the new hood. Post them so we can see how much better your tank looks. :D
  8. mbrands

    Question regarding Chocolate Chip Star

    Originally posted by Calbomb17 I've had him about April 20th? What does that mean? You've had him since April 20th of last year??? Shrink your photo using "paint" and you can post it.
  9. mbrands

    cured uncured?

    Cured rock would probably make a shorter cycle. It might even negate a cycle from even happening. For example, I used about 10-15 pounds from my 55 to "cycle" my 10 gallon nano. I water tested daily and the nano never cycled since the rock was cured.
  10. mbrands

    HD southdown

    Originally posted by mudplayerx I'm not trying to be mean either, I just don't feel I contradicted myself in any way. No hard feelings at all Mbrands Fair enough. Just trying to give you a hard time. Originally posted by mudplayerx I like your pic of your dogs :) Thanks! :D George looks...
  11. mbrands

    cuttlefish where to obtain them

    Cuttlefish and octopus (plural octopuses?) are both considered "expert only". I'd seriously reconsider getting one.
  12. mbrands

    Turbo Snails

    Originally posted by Loopy Think I have one that is going for the record! I've got a few in competition with yours. They aren't quite so "turbo", are they??
  13. mbrands

    HD southdown

    Originally posted by mudplayerx The only reason I say this is because why would they put that warning there?.... I don't see why they would limit their market by putting a warning on the bag that doesn't belong there. mudplayerx - Didn't you just post on another thread about the improper label...
  14. mbrands

    HD southdown

    No. If it fizzed it should be fine. The probably print that on the bag for liability reasons. They don't want your tank to crash and be sued for thousands.
  15. mbrands


    mudplayerx - Have you seen the movie Office Space? I thought of what they did to the fax machine when reading your post.
  16. mbrands

    First Corals Are In! 2 Xenias How Are They Doing? Pics!!

    My torch coral does the same sort of thing. It is usually completely open and flowing in the current when the lights are on, but sort of shrinks back when the lights are out.
  17. mbrands

    OK I was wrong sue me LOL

    Originally posted by hopkins6 Sankysuck, tell me how that seaClone works, i am about to buy one. It doesn't work! Don't buy one! I'm not trying to be mean, but how many people have to post about their bad experiences with SeaClone before you'll stop asking, "Will it work ok?" If that is all...
  18. mbrands

    Water parameters, adding LR

    Frosty - Tizzo explained (probably with better verbage) what I meant. I never meant for you to do a 100% water change. Nitrates in a FOWLR tank aren't considered high until they are over 40. Yours are doing fine.
  19. mbrands

    Water parameters, adding LR

    Consider that you only did a 10% water change. I don't honestly know if it is a linear relationship, but that would only remove 2ppm of the 20ppm that you tested. On your color chart I'm sure 18 would look a lot like 20, right? Water changes help to keep nitrates down, but won't necessarily...
  20. mbrands

    whats better, aquacultured or wild?

    Originally posted by ReefNut Aquacultured, hands down... :yes: