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  1. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by jennln Well this took awhile to put together Here's most of the crew....... The bird... One of the snakes... My happy boy... The Queen... The baby... Continued in next post... all of your pets are adorable but i love love love the pic of the cat, lol! it looks like...
  2. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 Early 09 male Savannah Monitor Early 09 Ornate Nile Monitor (aka - Satan) Gonna go ahead and throw out a few teasers. I haven't recieved this pair, yet, but have put down my deposit. It was many, many hours and lots of red tape, to go through, to get my permits...
  3. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by Mindy2577 Are they both Great Danes?? How old are they? Here is my baby...Thor! I couldn't see you'r pic until i got home on my computer there! he's a big boy! how old is he? is the only white on him around his neck? thats cool i haven't seen one that had a white ring:)
  4. lietz06

    four letter word game

  5. lietz06 Fairytale #2!

    Originally Posted by nissan577 start again! CK: once upon a time there was a fat short muchkin that was in the forest eating the golden brick road as he followed it to
  6. lietz06

    40 years ago today .. First man on the Moon

    I def. wasn't old enough to remember it happening...I wasn't even a glimmer in my momma's eyes BUT....neil armstrong is from my hometown....wapakoneta ohio! he never comes around...doesn't want anything to do with us-he's just like disappeared.:( so that's pretty much the only thing that my town...
  7. lietz06

    true or false

    false, although i probably need one! the next poster is driving to the airport tonight to pick someone up out of the kindness of heart:)
  8. lietz06

    Please Help!

    alright then ill go ahead w treatment. thanks again
  9. lietz06

    dont know what to use.

    Originally Posted by Mech-a-nic is it a nano cube or bio cube? what's the difference? I don't have either, but i was just wondering, thanks:)
  10. lietz06

    Kole Tang & Sailfin Compatible?

    Originally Posted by sully677 Thanks guys! I am excited to add him to my aquarium! I've had them both and they both are really cool. At least I think so, everyone that saw the sailfin thought it looked so cool. The Kole would change from pink, to purple to burgandy...depending on it's mood i...
  11. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by Tinderly Found a picture of our snake. Charlie. is he a ballpython? if not, what kind is he? do you like owning a you handle it a lot? sorry so many questions just curious about it.
  12. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Really? Another one? sorry, i musta missed out on the other one! who doesn't love to show their pets off anyways...keep em comin!
  13. lietz06

    You're babies!

    Originally Posted by Mindy2577 Are they both Great Danes?? How old are they? Here is my baby...Thor! Yeah, their both great danes. the 'blue' one is electra she turns 2 in nov and the black one is zeppelin she turned 2 in feb..on valentines day actually:) thor's a cutie!
  14. lietz06

    true or false

    false....not my breed of preferance:) next poster has a betta in a glass bowl on their desk @ work
  15. lietz06

    Firefish compatability

    A couple smaller colorful fish I can think of and like are the midas blenny...i've seen some cool pics of those, i used to have a lawnmower blenny and really liked his personality. I have a purple psuedochromis that's a nice splash of color...i would put him in last though...cause you'r other...
  16. lietz06

    Please Help!

    thank you all very much for responding to my post! i found out it was impossible to catch the fish...i gave htem too many hiding places. so i ordered some vitamins and garlic extreme to start incorperating into their daily food. i also ordered kick ich, i had seen a lot of success stories with...
  17. lietz06

    Please Help!

    Originally Posted by mkroher Didn't you alread post this on another thread? Did you not like the responses you received? yeah, i posted this one, then i figured i'd post it on the disease forum then i had a couple other questions and i wasn't gettin any responses for a bit so i reposted...
  18. lietz06

    Firefish compatability

    I've never had firefish but I know my mom just got her tank up n goin n she has 2 red's and 1 purple...and all of them were put in at different times...a week or 2 apart. All of them are getting a long great. So that's just their experiance with adding them at different times. Maybe someone with...
  19. lietz06

    Missing Lionfish!

    Originally Posted by SpendingDough Its a fu man chu...lion fish and I havent seen it at night either.....any thoughts on if it is deads or not how bad for the tank it will be? 180G display, 30G sump, 30G refuge. Will a full cleanup crew take care of it? I'd say you're clean up crew should def...
  20. lietz06

    four letter word game
