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  1. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    need to know how to get rid of this urchin before it moves somewhere else.
  2. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

  3. fishkid2

    Gas prices

    When I went in WI gas was about 20 cents more then were I live.
  4. fishkid2

    I am legend SUCKS!!!!

    IMO I thought this movie was pretty boring. And yes the ending does suck to me. Could'nt he of went in with the women and child and then thew the garnad out then close the door. Makes sense right
  5. fishkid2

    Adding new LR to an established tank

    yes, but make sure you cure it again, if you order online. Get some die off during shipping.
  6. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Originally Posted by myzislow The coral is more specifically a favia, which is classified as a type of brain coral. Yours is awesome! Very nice contrasting colors man I wish I had more money, there were about 5 different colored ones there too, for only $35 a piece and they are huge for that...
  7. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Thanks again Still need to know how to take out the urchin, just rip it off or something?
  8. fishkid2

    55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 how do i do that? like what do you mean? The tubing attach to your ph (power head) that sucks air and mixs with water and then shoots it into your aquarium.
  9. fishkid2

    55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!

    Nice tank you may want to tank the the airline tubing off the ph. You don't want air bubbles in your tank
  10. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

  11. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Heres the urchin
  12. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Originally Posted by regina13 What is the bluish one called? I think it is a Pineapple brain coral
  13. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Thanks for comments Anyone know how to take out the urchin off the wall?
  14. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    How do you take the urchin out of the tank when its on the wall. It stuck there pretty good. There was also a bunch of those snails with just a little flat shell on them too.
  15. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

  16. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    I got a female Lyretail Anthias, get pic tomarrow. That frogspwan is like 2 times bigger now. There are 2 hichickers, there is an urchin and a seperant star fish. I will remove the urchin once it gets out of the crack in the lr
  17. fishkid2

    New addition to family, pics!

    Love the bright pink too, nice pics!!!
  18. fishkid2

    need id

    Originally Posted by nycbob it sure looks like it. Ok thanks, just seeing if the person at the store was right for once
  19. fishkid2

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Originally Posted by The Egregious The Dragon has entered the ring! Beautiful fish. How long is it? How old? How much does it weigh? Now how would you weigh that beast?