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  1. fishkid2

    Post pictures of your eels here

    lol, what good timing
  2. fishkid2

    Gas prices

    Originally Posted by T316 My recommendation fishkid2....get a vehicle for your "needs", not your "wants". Sounds like you are young. There is no need to go after the "cool" car, or the monster truck, just to fit in with the crowd. While all your buddies are pouring their $ into gas, you can be...
  3. fishkid2

    Gas prices

    Originally Posted by T316 I filled up my F250 diesel yesterday....$110 (and I wasn't all the way on empty). And this is per week. I'll take your $45 My dad filled up his f350 deisel yesterday too. He got pissed off about the price so he only got 7.5 gallons for $30. Good thing my parents car...
  4. fishkid2

    Gas prices

    yeh I wonder how much it is going to be when I start driving in 2 months.
  5. fishkid2

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Can't really post a pic because camera always comes out blurry plus I don't have a tripod. but video works good I guess.
  6. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Heres also my pepermint shrimp. Come on peoples theres only 3 different peoples posting on here.
  7. fishkid2

    Gas prices

    How much is gas in your state? Mines $3.10 a gal and $4.00 for diesal. And I am not even driving yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Here he is. I'm glad I got him his has a lot of personality just like most of the bicolor blennys. What do you guys think?
  9. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    It was about 3 weeks and before that I had 8 lbs of lr for another 2 weeks (1st pic is the lr with only 8 lbs)
  10. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Also picking up a bicolor blenny this week
  11. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Tank is cloudy, just moving around things. All corals i added was from my other tank same with the chromis and cleaner shrimp.
  12. fishkid2

    Who is your fav fish ?

    Originally Posted by Espkh9 My wife loves those fish. I'm affraid if it dies it will nuke my tank. But it is possible that it does not release the toxins, (thats how I'm lucky) but of course you would not want to add it to an tank full of stuff. Needs to be first introduced in the tank.
  13. fishkid2

    clam reproduction

    Just wondering how clams even reproduce? Does anyone know? I was just cerious.
  14. fishkid2

    Who is your fav fish ?

    My cow, not with me anymore, condi killed him. Lucky I got no poison in the tank. I would of lost a lot of money!!!!
  15. fishkid2

    Need I.D.

    Thats sweet if it is mysid. Well thanks for the info
  16. fishkid2

    Fishkid2's 24 gal aquapod diary

    Adding peppermint shrimp and feather duster Feel free to post any comments
  17. fishkid2

    Need I.D.

    I know I saw that thread before, but were is it? Can you post the link?
  18. fishkid2

    Need I.D.

    Heres another bad camera video. You do see that it kind of looks like a shrimp right even though it is a blurr right?
  19. fishkid2

    Need I.D.

    Not sure what this is. I have hundreds of these things in my tank since it started, it came in the lr. They only come out at night. I'm not talking about the pep shrimp either by the way. I know you really can't see it because it is so small, but any info would help. Sorry for the shaking too...
  20. fishkid2

    Two new Fairys!!

    His eyes look crazy!!!