Search results

  1. fishkid2

    Can i keep a clam?

    IMO I would go with the derasa clam, its one of the lower light clams, and any clam gets big anyways.
  2. fishkid2

    Mossy rock?

    Green star polyps
  3. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Originally Posted by ruaround on EXPERT i can get MAYBE 16%, on hard i have completed it but typically fail it around 80 to 87%... that song is 10 min of non stop insanity!!! How can you get 80% on hard and 16% on expert. My best on expert is only like 3%
  4. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Not my best on through the fire and flames, but still pretty good.
  5. fishkid2

    Vote for your favorite fish !

    Well my fav fish would be a long horn cowfish, buy since its not on the list I voted for mandarin
  6. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Originally Posted by Shinobi9119 my bro can do it on expert.. i try and get some pics of it when he plays it How about a video. I would like to see someone do this song on expert
  7. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    I'll have to play more g-hero tonight and post some pics. Ruaround lets see Through the Fire and Flames on hard, unless you could do it on expert.
  8. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Where is he anyways?
  9. fishkid2

    Black sand?

    wow steve's gray sand looks way more black then mine, nice tank by the way Look at my avatar
  10. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Yeh I know I'm not the best of course. I'll need more then luck
  11. fishkid2

    Guitar hero contest!!

    Who wants to have a contest just for fun. I want to see any other experts out there like me. I'll just post a few songs I played. See if you can beat them.
  12. fishkid2

    Can Blue leg hermit eat leather stool?

    What fish and other inverts do you have your tank?
  13. fishkid2

    schooling fish for a 150

    chromis and anthias. What else is there guys?
  14. fishkid2

    My 3 true percula clowns

    The female will be the bigger one and the boss.
  15. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    i got him last night. He went on the glass and was way more easy to take him off.
  16. fishkid2

    Post pictures of your eels here

    come on ppls just post some eels. If you have nothing nice to say then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. fishkid2

    Post pictures of your eels here

    This guy is annoying, trying to be all smart, posting paragraphs of crap
  18. fishkid2

    got him

    Originally Posted by bandedsnakeeel i just got my green bubble tip anaome today he seems perrty good prove it, come on got to show us some pics
  19. fishkid2

    Alivia12 gl Nano

    sweet softy tank, also nice hammer coral.
  20. fishkid2

    new stuff from WI

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 umm lemon juice might work or you could kill it somehow? Don't really want to kill it, could put it in a seperate tank or get some money off it.