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  1. salty blues

    Draining a Tank

    Perhaps you might employ a manual start gravity feed device. Or in layman's terms, a siphon hose.
  2. salty blues

    Obama's Cabinet

    Originally Posted by Johnbob That's a pretty racist statement......... Yes, they are all black. But more significantly they are also far left liberal Democrats who preach about how down trodden and doomed their constituents are. Although, if obama is elected(God forbid), it will take...
  3. salty blues

    Obama's Cabinet

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE If Obama manages to win somehow, what government positions do you think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will get? Discuss. Sharpton: Sec. of Affirmative Action Jackson: Sec. of Al Sharpton
  4. salty blues

    saw this on ESPN today

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Believe it or not, Mike Ditka almost ran against Barack Obama for an Illinois Senate seat in 2004. How would history be different if Ditka versus Obama had happened? Da Coach!
  5. salty blues

    Vote once Please

    Dang, I didn't get to vote, however....McCain/Palin is the ticket I support.
  6. salty blues

    NBC Obama interview ad.

    I just saw an ad for part 2 of Brian Williams interview with the annointed one. Just seeing this ad, one would think obama had already been elected. NBC may as well change their name to the "Obama Network". They've been in the tank for the guy prettty much from the start.
  7. salty blues

    I just don't get how this guy might be the next leader of the Free World

    Originally Posted by reefraff Once he's elected are we supposed to call him president or Fuhrer? Master will suffice.
  8. salty blues

    small motor questions..engineers?

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 had a question if anyone knows how to work with small motors and sprockets,etc....try to set up a gadget so a motor can make an item go up and down on a platform..i think i have the setup that would work, but have no idea what kind of motors youd use, or just some...
  9. salty blues

    Whoa there North Korea...

    Aw shucks, don't worry about this too much. As soon as obama takes office, he'll talk nice to mr. il and everything will be just fine.
  10. salty blues

    obama's secret revealed!

    Originally Posted by ruaround C3P0 beating dead horse?
  11. salty blues

    obama's secret revealed!

    I have been informed by a very reliable source that obama is in fact using Jedi mind tricks to convince large segments of the U.S. population(and the world) that he: a) has not associated with an admitted domestic terrorist. b) has never heard his "former" pastor make racist, anti-american...
  12. salty blues

    Wisdom Ignored

    Unless they find obama in bed with a teenage boy, we shall all likely soon find how this country runs under single party rule with liberal democrats in charge of all 3 branches of gov't. The obama/pelosi/reed/ trifecta. God help us.
  13. salty blues

    electoral college

    Originally Posted by KingSmith No Baby is innocent till baptism when they are washed clean of original sin, because God Loves Us? The biggest proponents of baptism of babies is the Catholic Church, and last time I checked they are also very much against abortion.
  14. salty blues

    electoral college

    Originally Posted by bionicarm That's the biggest debate regarding abortion - defining whether the fetus at the time of the abortion is considered a human being that fully understands its surroundings, and knows it's a living, breathing organism. In first trimester abortions, the fetus is just...
  15. salty blues

    electoral college

    Originally Posted by sickboy I could be wrong, but didn't Gore win the popular vote in 2000? And yet we still have an idiot running our country.... At this point, just about any Democrat would be better than obama.
  16. salty blues

    Cant we all get along ???????????

    Sure. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
  17. salty blues

    Do you think 35mm film will completely go away?

    I think 35mm film will exist at least a few more years and then some. Even digital music has not yet totally wiped out vinyl records. In the same way I don't think digital photography will completely do away with film.
  18. salty blues

    Palin and AIG

    Originally Posted by mgatdog I guess you don't have a tv to watch the news were your from. Apparently, they don't teach proper grammar and spelling where you're from.
  19. salty blues

    Palin and AIG

    Originally Posted by mgatdog Just when you start to like some one in this race . They show there true colors . As gov she turn her family travel and stay in with hers for the tax payers to the tune of $21,000 give or take a few $.She no better than the CEO of a A I G SORRY SHE LOST ME .I guess...
  20. salty blues

    Palin and AIG
