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  1. salty blues

    Water Change Question

    Originally Posted by Ryan4321 when mixing my new water and salt how long should I wait untill I put the water into my tank?? I heard let the salt mix for 24 hours ive also heard 1 hour is cool.. Thanks!! I would wait at least 24 hrs. Personally, I let mine age for several(10 to 12)days with a...
  2. salty blues

    AquaC Remora opinions are greatly valued

    I run a Remora on my sump. It works great and since it's on the sump, micro-bubbles are a non-issue.
  3. salty blues

    (silly?) RO Water Question

    Originally Posted by The_Hadleys Hi! I was wondering if we could get RO water from different stores. Probably sounds like a silly question but I just want to make sure before we do it. The store we normally go to is quite far away, there's a closer shop (crappier service - which is why we don't...
  4. salty blues

    How does this stimulate the economy? Can someone explain this.

    resistance is futile......... you must submit.......... resistance is futile......... you must submit.......... resistance is futile......... you must submit..........
  5. salty blues

    its evaporating awfully fast...

    Originally Posted by ADEE how fast is too fast? What would make the water evaporate quickly? It seems like every other third day im topping it off... It's a fact of life with fish tanks and with saltwater you need to keep up with topping off since the salinity rises as water evaporates.
  6. salty blues

    Filling a sump??

    Originally Posted by meowzer OK ,y new wet/dry sump is supposed to arrive Saturday...what I need to know is this: It is 36x12x22High. The height includes the skimmer. #1. I don't know how to figure out how many gallons this thing holds..anyone? #2: When I fill the sump, to make up the water...
  7. salty blues

    Looking for advice

    Well, a skimmer does help with removing nitrates as it removes dissolved organic compounds.
  8. salty blues

    Nancy Pelosi " family planning stimulates the economy".

    Originally Posted by oscardeuce More words of wisdom. Now they want to control the birth rate to help the economy. Where are the cries of "Nazi" over this? If they control the birth rate, who will pay for my medicare? God help us all as we slide down...
  9. salty blues

    Top 10 best guitarist

    Originally Posted by Dobber1111 Honestly (and don't hate me for this) that is my problem with the Steve Vai's and the Satriani's and the Eric Johnson's. They have this "Dig Me" thing going on that grates my nerves. I guess if you are purely a guitar enthusiast then that doesn't bother you. I...
  10. salty blues

    When putting rocks down on your tank glass....

    Not to mention that nearly 1,000 lbs of water going in that 125g!
  11. salty blues

    Uh oh, sliding in the polls.

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Could someone, in a single post, post all of the bad, evil and nasty things that Obama has done thus far to upset the public or go back on his campaign promises? I am just curious. IMO the worst thing he has done is get elected.
  12. salty blues

    Uh oh, sliding in the polls.

    Send it and I'll spend it. $$$$$ !!!!
  13. salty blues

    Uh oh, sliding in the polls.

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman They were stunned to learn they actually do still have to put gas in their cars and pay their mortgages... Whoa! journey, it's nice to hear a little sarcasm from you. On the other hand, given the messianic expectations some people have with obama, you are...
  14. salty blues

    Top 10 best guitarist

    The "best" guitarist depends on one's own personal taste. There really is no such thing as a best guitarist. We all know what we like. Just because some guy can shred at warp speed does not make him better than someone else. IMO someone like BB King can convey immense feeling and emotion with...
  15. salty blues

    Tank HELP?!

    Originally Posted by Bdhb12 Do i need a heater with the biocube? Most likely, yes. In fact, smaller systems are more prone to temp fluctuations than larger ones.
  16. salty blues

    Tank HELP?!

    Originally Posted by Bdhb12 ok lets see i found a biocube 29g for $239 and I got a Kora 1 a marine test kit (ph, nitrate, nitrite), oceanic brand natural sea salt mixture, and the biocube protein skimmer. The LFS sells live rock for $10/lb so I will look elsewhere but he sells live sand quite...
  17. salty blues

    Obituary of the late Mr. Common Sense

    The minority now dictates to the majority.
  18. salty blues

    John Bonham

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 that doesnt use a double bass pedal! i hate double basses. pansies. no ones style is as raw and thunderous as his. he doesnt even need sticks Bonham was obviously a big part of what made Zep sound like they do. Plenty of other bands you could change drummers and...
  19. salty blues

    John Bonham

    IMO JB is one of the few rock drummers with a defining style and recognizable sound.
  20. salty blues

    Where Are The Residents Of Guantanamo Bay Going To Live This Time Next Year?

    You are all missing the point. Don't you realize that now France will like us again?