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  1. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    well thank you for the compliment!!! We have....a cabbage leather, yellow leather, several small zooanthid rocks 2 nice sets of mushrooms, a candy cane coral, a small xenia and tonight added a very nice toadstool for my center of the tank.....can't wait to see it tomorrow...looked very nice and...
  2. ohiorn67

    Naso Tang, Should I Or Should I Not? Naso Owners, Give Me Advice!!

    yeah, I think I might wait ....might look at a smaller one for now and then add later....I really would like a blue tang but I am so worried about them being so ich lfs has a purple and a nice small sailfin now, thinking about that also....the sailfin is only about 2 inches or so now.
  3. ohiorn67

    Naso Tang, Should I Or Should I Not? Naso Owners, Give Me Advice!!

    So you have a naso tang, do you love it? Good things, and bad things....My lfs just got one into and I am deciding if it is tang I want. I have a 90 gallon setup...BUT don't fret, it will be changed to a minimum of a 135 or bigger in the next 6 months to a year. This Naso is only 4 inches or...
  4. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    HI Buzz, you are DEFINITELY On the right track!! Today found 2 of them EATING my zoos.....ticked off and plucked those puppies right out of there with the tweezers like you said. The gorgeous zoos I had now look like crapola, so I am hoping they will come back with a boom. I will be watching...
  5. ohiorn67

    Devastating losses/lessons learned...

    Another lesson to be learned....really think about who you buy your stuff far I have been lucky with a pair of maroon clowns and couple of other small fish from one place, but I have been hesitating about buying my tang.....not sure why....but my lfs closest to me just got 3 tiny blue...
  6. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    ugh!!! I have the reef iodine that I dose with, is this what you use? can you tell me how to do this? This was the first one I have ever seen in the tank, so you are lucky at least you see them. I have no idea where he has now gone but yes I have one particular zoo colony that was gorgeous and...
  7. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    a couple more....
  8. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    yep guys, I am not sure, I think it looks alot like that last nudi pic but his legs were definitely not green but a clear white..and top of body was a cream brownish but did look alot like that. I am hoping it is not going to disturb my are some new pics of the tank! Just over 3...
  9. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    kind of looks like cross between an insect and a slug...I have only seen the one...worrying it is a nudibranch and maybe has eating some of my zoos. I wish I would have just removed him but was so unsure. what do you think?
  10. ohiorn67

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    pictures not working, will try again....
  11. ohiorn67

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    here is another pic if you can't see the last one well...
  12. ohiorn67

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    HI everyone!! could someone please identify this oddball looking thing in my tank? It is mostly white but kind of a lightish brown on the front....has several legs and tentacles in the was on the glass about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch in size. what do you think?
  13. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    anyone??? need some help because I want to make sure he ok to keep in there while I still know where it is! thanks
  14. ohiorn67

    Identification Of This Creepy Crawler Please!

    Tank has been up for more than 3 months and I have never seen one of these,,,,,gross!! White and lots oflegs and 2 antennae out front? Good or bad, just hanging on the side of the tank. thanks!!
  15. ohiorn67


    Hello, the bubbles are not great for the fish because it is not good for their coats. I am sure will probably not hurt them for a day or two but I don't think I would let it go for that long. I would call the company or email them maybe see if they have a prefilter box of sort, I have a...
  16. ohiorn67

    Hair Algae???????????????????????

    HI, it is not hair algae, it is red slime algae and you are describing EXACTLY what I have 2 small patches of. I hate it!! My parameters are also very fine like yours but my ph is 8.4 as of yesterday.....seems to me that the only thing you can do as I have learned is add more flow to the tank...
  17. ohiorn67

    sixline wrasse info

    GORGEOUS fish!! He is best buds with the rest of my crew. Here is an updated pic. Excellent in a reef tank, friendly, active and fun to watch....and gorgeous colors..
  18. ohiorn67

    Should I Or Should I Not?? Purchase A Tiny Blue Tang!

    thanks for at least most of the replies!! I think I am heading the direction to purchase. I have read alot on these tangs also and will make sure I get the right foods and nutrition, my biggest concern are my mated maroon clowns, they are piggies and I want this guy to have a chance to eat...
  19. ohiorn67

    Should I Or Should I Not?? Purchase A Tiny Blue Tang!

    Hi guys, GREAT info, but yep, was thinking of a hippo tang, my fault, I should have been more direct. These are tiny hippo far no heavy or fast breathing, one of them did not look as good as the others, but the one I Like looked great, feisty...and not too skinny or anything, he...