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  1. ohiorn67

    Open my own small store?????

    ok all, check this idea out my hubby and I had.....what if you had a CONSIGNMENT type store of fish/aquarium PIECES, PARTS, EQUIPMENT....from people just upgrading their tanks and buying new things? No fish selling but items would come with say 7 day warranty to be able to know it is in working...
  2. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    hi!! that is not a bubble wand, it is the filter bar...hehe.....easy to see that it might be........that is the water coming back into the tank..... Julie
  3. ohiorn67

    Toadstool Frag Needs Your Help For Attachment

    doing great!!! feeders still out..we have it solid under a small frag rock but on its one the other side sticks out towards us and doing much better than we ever expected. We were told to leave it there for about 3-5 days, will probably leave it until the end of the weekend and pray it...
  4. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    thanks Fishmamma, i am telling you HUGE relief..I have grown way too attached to all my fishies....I came home and rinsed out my test tubes real good and tried again...all normal and learn, make sure I totally rinse those things good!! whew!
  5. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    I have heard that before, actually it is not glued, but it is incredibly stable. I went with the rule that all rocks have to be sitting on at least 3 others. On the right side, it looks scary over theh cave BUT that piece that makes the bridge is part of a HUGE rock to the right that is sitting...
  6. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    Yes, amazingly I have never had bad algae breakouts or anything....a bit on the back wall I can see that my blenny seems to like....some diatoms on the sand on the left side but nothing much, sometimes afraid my tank is too clean!! We do have a wonderful cleanup crew. 3 turbo snails 50 astreas...
  7. ohiorn67

    Toadstool Frag Needs Your Help For Attachment

    well we put that small frag rock on it last night and it is looking even hardy and fine upside down, the part that does not have a rock sitting on it is trying to turn towards to light and all the feeders are up...pretty cool..I think this will work
  8. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    fishmamma, here is my bicolor blenny.....
  9. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    HI all back from are gonna love this one.....bring them water sample also just to back up my readings...and all readings neg for any ammonia!!! No nitrite!! nuthin'!! I WAS LIKE NO WAY.....I am telling you SHOCK...well I wonder if I had just not cleaned out my glass tubes well, it is...
  10. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    Hi Vito, sorry I did not see your post quickly.... I have a 90 gallon....130 lbs of rock....RemoraC pro skimmer, Eheim 2217 cannister filter (nitrates have always been zero or trace), 3 1200 maxijets at top with one having a turning attachment in center and 1 900 maxijet down lower left side...
  11. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    Do I take out the cotton filter fiber and replace it with this poly filter, I am assuming this because otherwise I would decrease flow through the filter....I am on my way to petsmart, they open earlier and are cheaper on filters, I am hoping they have the poly filter then will backtrack to the...
  12. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    where do you put the poly filter? i just changed out the sponge on top in the cannister with some of that "fluff" cotton filter stuff, heard it was better, but of course, do I just take that out and that is where the poly goes? Carbon filters don't sound like they do much for ammonia, so will...
  13. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    yes, I feel guilty because I did not check levels yesterday, just do it every few days, so of course when all looks well, I did not think about it. I wish I would have but hind sight is 20/20....did last 10% change on will do 15 gallons (90 gallon tank)...then will do another...
  14. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    I will do some research on this today and also check them out, going to lfs when they open. what about carbon, does that help to?
  15. ohiorn67

    Ammonia/nitrite Up? Trying Not To Freak...please Help

    HI, at this point was in shock when I did my water tests today. PH/ALK fine.... Ammonia was .25 and Nitrites were .5 (think that is right)...Nitrates still 0 or just a touch....we added a bicolor blenny, a yellow leather coral, a very small bunch of zoos and a tiny frag of a toadstool. I...
  16. ohiorn67

    If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?

    well good luck to you, I had a small crisis situation about 2 weeks ago when I thought my tank was crashing....was scary so I know how you ph was slight low so added buffer to my topoff water and it increased it like crazy and dropped the alkalinity....was strange, we increased flow of...
  17. ohiorn67

    If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?

    all my fishies get they are....6 line is fast, so he is a little blurry here from his "cruisin"
  18. ohiorn67

    If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?

    HI! sorry it took me so long to answer! My 6 line is awesome and has never ever tried to jump from the tank. My tank is completely open on problems and we have had him for quite a while, as a matter of fact, he does not really like getting to close up..even when I feed, he likes to...
  19. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    You must be talking about the sun polyps, gorgeous at night when they are fully extended, especially after we feed them....they stay in during the day so far, hoping they will come out more, they are very pretty...... :joy:
  20. ohiorn67

    Toadstool Frag Needs Your Help For Attachment

    HI, we have a very small toadstool leather that appeared very healthy when we bought still is, but when we were trying to place it in the tank, the small thin base of it snapped right off, so now looks like a mushroom top with no bottom! still appears ok, for the last 2 days we find it...