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  1. ohiorn67

    Battery Backup

    well, we have 2 wall units that we plug into..that are both protected by a plug in gfci unit. One has a power strip coralife timer plugged to it where all the lights are timed and power heads also on there and skimmer on the always on plugs. The other the backup battery is plugged into, no...
  2. ohiorn67

    Battery Backup

    If you go back and look up a post of power outtage, I just went through this less than a month ago. My husband put a battery backup....just like the one you described for about 90 minutes lasted 2 1/2 hours. Our outtage was for 6 hours total..we had 2 backups and a small generator...
  3. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    pic3...also seems that when he is puffy, some color loss like the green is breaking a part a bit to some clear coloring. what is this?
  4. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    new pics from this morning under the actinics overnight. He seems puffier this morning, is this a good or bad thing? Here are the pics...what do you think, have him in the front corner on the sandbed now......hope to save him!
  5. ohiorn67

    New Lights Have Arrived, Review For You 90 Gallon

    I have had the coralife 4x65 actinic, white and blue moon lights for the last 2 months and got a nice deal and sold them and got the orbit 4x 96w actinic, white with WHITE moon lights. Here is my review......for all you of you I have a 90 gallon tank so a little deeper. Coralife: Seemed fine...
  6. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    He is now on the sandbed. Last night found my emerald on the side of him. Not sure if it was by chance or if they have "met" before and this could be his damage. we took off the emerald and put him to the other side of the tank and he ran off....poor guy! Then this morning a turbo was...
  7. ohiorn67

    How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?

    thanks for this great advice, I am going to give it a rest tonight and try again tomorrow. I have tried a few things and am worried about all the stuff getting in the tank tonight. gonna try tomorrow!! thanks!
  8. ohiorn67

    How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?

    we have never seen tentacles on our brain which is what is throwing us off. I see the mouths and always assumed that is what they were. Still no tentacles..we just tried to give it some mysis/cytoplankton mix and used a medicine dropper to try and push a little to the mouth area. Don't...
  9. ohiorn67

    How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?

    How do you actually feed this guy. I feel like when we spot feed everything just floats away..where is his moutht....we have tried the toothpick thing, the turkey baster.....please help....our brain not looking great, but not sure how to actually feed him .....was told when we purchased that...
  10. ohiorn67

    911 Clownfish!

    no anemone, I did not want one, heard they can be too comlicated. I tried a few things but did not take to much but now has decided to pair up with my bubble hosts it and loves it. Pretty cool.....they will host in many other things given the chance....
  11. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    we had him in this awesome spot on top of the rocks where nothing even came close to his skin.....his hard part underneath came to a point, and we put that in a hole and it stood straight up...nothing near it. I don't think it came in any contact with rock or how it could have, I was always...
  12. ohiorn67

    911 Clownfish!

    First I have maxijet powerheads and love them. I turn one up to the surface for extra oxygen even though my skimmer and my outbar to my filtration are also agitating...just neurotic about making sure enough oxygen in tank....You can raise your ph by just increasing that oxygen flow. Also....I...
  13. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    my water parameters have been ....0 ammonia through nitrite....salinity 1.024, temp 80-81.7 depending on day hour, ph last check yesterday was 8.2. he seemed fine. I have lots of snails, 2 emeralds, a starfish.....pair of maroon clowns and a 6 line wrasse, and a cleaner shrimp, I have never...
  14. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    oops, sorry did same pic twice....
  15. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    This is pic 2 of the brain....
  16. ohiorn67

    Please Look At Green Brain Pics And Tell Me What Is Wrong With Him!

    This is my green brain. We have had it for about 3 weeks. Seemed fine, had it positioned up in my rock touching nothing at all so it would get better light. Seemed like it was puffing up and all and looking nice. Then today we noticed that there are 2 corners not looking so good. One almost...
  17. ohiorn67

    911 Clownfish!

    YES, my filtration was kinked off and I lost some surface agitation a week or more ago and just about lost my small clown fish. he is fine now because we caught it right on time. You need to have a powerhead pointed to the surface to upset the top of the water and make it ripple, brings O2...
  18. ohiorn67

    USA Current Satellite Lights

    I just purchased similar lights from this company and what I did was take my canopy to a woodwork shop and had them cutout square openings on each side of the canopy for the fans. Loos fine....hope that helps.