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  1. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    one more....
  2. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    new yellow this!
  3. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    new candy coral....
  4. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    right side of tank....
  5. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    close up of left side.....
  6. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    updated pictures...tank is just going on 3 months at the end of the week....
  7. ohiorn67

    New addition to our tank and NEW PICS!!

    We got a bicolor blenny yesterday and he is so adorable. He is very personable. He has had a full day today playing and checking out our 6line wrasse, I was worried at first since they were both quite interested in each other but getting along great! So far so good!! Here is a pic of him and...
  8. ohiorn67

    rock setup

    HI!! our tank is a 90 almost 3 months old, took us about 4 or 5 good attempts while cycling to like our setup and make it what we wanted, so be patient, there were times I was really ready to throw in the towel and we had barely gotten started! Good luck to you. Make sure you leav plenty of...
  9. ohiorn67

    135 Gal tank for Sale in GA

    please send pics of setup, I am in tennessee and would drive for it if interested.
  10. ohiorn67

    The Strangest Thing Happen At Our Water Change Tonight!

    As usual, did our 10% water change as we do every week.....this time we moved our skimmer to a better spot and power heads to better spots....and then with everything turned off, fed the tank....lights were off for about 25 min or so.....turned all back on and OMG..the biggest nastiest twisting...
  11. ohiorn67

    If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?

    pic not working, will try again....
  12. ohiorn67

    If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?

    my 6 line is awesome, would highly recommend....very active, very cool to watch go sliding between all the rocks and spaces, they are fast, gorgeous colors and he is buds with my maroon pair. very likeable and fun is a pic.
  13. ohiorn67

    you know youre a reef addict when...

    you use the excuse every week to go to the lfs to get your water "tested" but end up buying SOMETHING for the tank! My kids have started asking every time we get in the car if we are going to the lfs! You tell everyone that walks in the house to tip toe so the tank won't "rock" Everyone you know...
  14. ohiorn67

    Instant Invert Death

    shadiest1, I do exactly as you do to acclimate and have yet to lost anything...only been doing this 3 months, but so far so good. Texasex, I do agree, if you throw them in they won't do well at all and a fast death, I did not say I do that, I acclimate over a time, see my far no...
  15. ohiorn67

    has anyone experienced problems with their crabs being aggessive?

    I noticed when my cleaner shrimp was near him today he kind of tossed one of his legs out towards him and the cleaner jumped out of the way a little bit but not much....did not do anything else. LOVE my silly cleaner shrimp, worried about our crabs..between the 2 emeralds and the sally we might...
  16. ohiorn67

    Orbit Power Compact 4x96 (384w Total) 2mos. Old 48" For Sale

    they did confirm and purchase, they are sold thank you....
  17. ohiorn67

    has anyone experienced problems with their crabs being aggessive?

    I have 2 emeralds and a sally sally has grown like twice the size in 5 weeks...amazing. My 6 line goes by him very fast and teases him and he reaches out to try and "tag" him...hmmmmm ..should I be worried? wondering about my emeralds they grow..should I be concerned?
  18. ohiorn67

    Instant Invert Death

    we have a cleaner shrimp and lots of snails and a few hermit crabs.....we never acllimated that long..over an hours time....let float for 30 min for temp and then every 15 min added a small bit of tank water, etc...this is over 2 months ago, all healthy so I don't see the instant death being...
  19. ohiorn67

    Battery Backup

    no it is small and would run I think like 2 major appliances for like 12 hours or something like that...I have a feeling we would be able to recharge these batteries for days if needed....we have not used it for anything else so far and bought it just for this. We got it at home depot for under...
  20. ohiorn67

    Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral

    Hi!! mine LOVES his bubble coral...put it in and about a week later she made it her spot, the male of my pair LIVES under my magenic glass cleaner all night head down while sleeping is a is a pic of her hosting her bubble....match made in heaven...