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  1. aquatica-tech

    Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

    If I were you if thats Crushed Coral substrate you would want to change it Aragonite sand, reason being is that the food you feed your fish will get in the substrate and will turn into Nitrate and when the substrate is stirred it will kick up all that Nitrates into your tank and might kill a few...
  2. aquatica-tech

    ID please

    Yea looks like a Mojano anenome, you might want to inject it with hot water or joes juice to kill it because they multiply quick and will kill your other corals and animals bye stinging them to death until they die
  3. aquatica-tech

    Any Base Rock In Orlando

    Well im trying to find somebody in orlando that has any base rock so im wondering if anybody has about 25 #'s to sell thats in there tank that they dont want anymore if they have some laying around. I live in Orlando, Florida in the Bithlo area so anybody that lives near by if you have any for...
  4. aquatica-tech

    Beginner Reef Man

    Well im fitting them over a 55 gallon and im make mountains so any coral can move to the top or I can place them on the top so they can get the light they need, but I will be replacing those lights once I upgrade the tank in about a year
  5. aquatica-tech

    Beginner Reef Man

    Will I be able to get an anenome and what type is there for beginers like me? Itll be nice if somebody be able to make a list for me of beginer corals and the ones thatll be good for these lights? Thank You Very Much
  6. aquatica-tech

    help with stock list

    Yea avoid angels period cause I think the whole species of angels nip or eat corals Tangs are reef safe though but monitor them just in case
  7. aquatica-tech

    LOUD Sump! Please Help

    Well you can try raising the whole box until it has just a draining quiet sound, I had the same problem and all I did was place a foam in the middle till it raised the whole box. And for the sump mine had a micro filter sock and i just put the hose from the overflow straight into the sock
  8. aquatica-tech

    little white disks...

    Well they are slow moving so there some type of snail/pod im guessing, but I have a few hermits in my tank and im sure if they were parasites they would go for them so im just guessing there just beneficial and harmless
  9. aquatica-tech

    Hermit Crabs with Fighting Conch

    Originally Posted by rupertlilly I bought them on here and it stated 1 per 30 gals! Thanks for not answering my inital question in the first place. Sorry for not replying but had to leave some were in a hurry, but you can have at least two in there and thats just about it With the hermits, if...
  10. aquatica-tech

    help with stock list

    Watch out with your flame angel with your coral might nip at it
  11. aquatica-tech

    help with stock list

    Sounds good to me
  12. aquatica-tech

    little white disks...

    I have those too in my tank but I think that its just extra food for your fish
  13. aquatica-tech

    Hermit Crabs with Fighting Conch

    First of all what size tank you have
  14. aquatica-tech

    Beginner Reef Man

    What type of corals will this provide me? 48" 260W (4-65 watt) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture It has 4 Bluemoon LED lights on it And is VHO
  15. aquatica-tech

    leather coral

    Well if it was dying it would be bleaching (turning white) IMO I think its just getting used to the tank and its stressed
  16. aquatica-tech

    Fire Fish Goby

    Itll work IMO there reef safe and have alot of character
  17. aquatica-tech

    Hitchhicker pro or Con ?

    I saw the thread of worms and im thinking its a Hair worm, but do they burrow through the sand ?
  18. aquatica-tech

    Cleaning ??

    Well you can clean it with alot of a vinegar, once that is done rinse it alot i mean alot!!
  19. aquatica-tech

    Hitchhicker pro or Con ?

    Well today I re-aquascaped and I saw this worm on the side of my glass that was burrowing in my sand? is that good or bad?
  20. aquatica-tech

    Mantis Diary

    This is so awesome it makes me fueled to get a mantis tank now haha