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  1. aquatica-tech

    stock list ??

    Well if you add CUC it dosent count for the bio-load cause the fact that they clean up all the detritius and such But Nass are good for sandbed stirrers and clean up the sand bed I think turbos clean the glass and rocks Scarlets are better than Blue Legged Hermits ive heard because the scarlets...
  2. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

  3. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

    Well I feed them almost everyday cause I would think that all that bio-load would increase how much bacteria is in my tank and that with that much bacteria I wont have that much of a problem in the future with ammonia. But ok im going to do the water change and see how it comes out, Thanks Guys
  4. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

    Yea I feed the hermits these little pellets called Shrimplets and thats it
  5. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

    I have a 55 Gallon tank with 25 #s of LR and 40 #s of LS and a sump as a filter and around 1100g worth of flow no critters besides 4 hermits
  6. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

    I only have 4 hermit crabs and thats it, but ill go do that cause it always stays at those levels but then again I havent done a water change. Will a water change make a difference?
  7. aquatica-tech

    OMG Ammonia wont go down !!!

    IM wondering my ammonia NEVER goes down for some reason, it stays around .15-.25 the tank is around 2 and a half months old... any help
  8. aquatica-tech

    stock list ??

    Originally Posted by jjgomillion Hey guys! I am starting to stock my 75 reef (wannabe) and want to know what you think of my tankmate ideas. Right now I have: 1 cleaner shrimp 1 emerald crab 10 or so hermit crabs 10 or so snails 1 urchin green star polyps a small zoo colony acro frag The fish...
  9. aquatica-tech

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    Refugium, Remote Deep Sand Bed, frequent water changes... Theres many options
  10. aquatica-tech

    A little help here...

    Ok im planning on making a reef system with alot of inverts as a clean up crew. and im going to have 7 or 8 small fish in the system as well. Will I be needing a skimmer for this system. Im also going to have a refugium.
  11. aquatica-tech

    Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

    Take em out for the sake of your new fish, theyll set up there territory and will defend it till death. But hey good luck with your tank, I got a 55 also and think im making it a reef
  12. aquatica-tech

    Algae blenny eat hair algae?

    Well if you mean a Lawnmower blenny yea im sure theyll eat any type of GOOD algae like the green one, if you ever run out of algae just place algae sheets in the tank and thatll be good
  13. aquatica-tech

    Starting Out

    Well ive heard storys of people using HOB filters but they do frequent changes, but ive heard alot of people saying that a Sump/Refugium is better to use. But if I were you just invest in a Sump and later on down the road if you want you can convert your sump into a refugium. The more...
  14. aquatica-tech

    Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

    Well I think that if it has expired, that means that most of the bacteria has died already but it still has some trace of bacteria. But yea you can still use it, I think. Keep us updated on what you do new, kind of like a diary
  15. aquatica-tech

    Starting Remote Deep Sand Bed, DIY in bucket

    Awesome work im sure going to do this
  16. aquatica-tech

    Hermit Crab ID?

    You maybe got a Zebra Hermit
  17. aquatica-tech

    So, New tank......

    Just wondering are you running a skimmer in that tank ?
  18. aquatica-tech

    Feather Duster

    If I were you just leave him on the bottom of your sandbed and kinda pinch the end with a small rock so he wont get swished around with the current
  19. aquatica-tech

    Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

    Oh and live sand is just sand that has bacteria in it Caribsea ive heard is the best "Live Sand" because it comes with water in it already and you might want to check the expiration date on it because if its expired you'll have ALOT of die off and most of the bacteria is gone or at least most of it
  20. aquatica-tech

    Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

    Well im not really a pro but I use the knowledge I learned from the site. But I think that the Aragonite is a better Ph buffer and it is alot better for many type of inverts and fish and alot more affective in many ways. Haha easy saying ITS JUST BETTER