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  1. aquatica-tech

    Feather Duster: Natural Enemies???

    Well all you really do is just place it anywere in the sand were it wont get bothered cause if stressed out the crown might fall off, or you can just place him anywere in your live rock that it wont fall off. Also somewere that the food will go to it
  2. aquatica-tech

    Feather Duster: Natural Enemies???

    Did it come with your live rock or did you buy it?
  3. aquatica-tech

    Feather Duster: Natural Enemies???

    Feather Dusters are beneficial for your tank there filter feeders and do absolutley nothing but eat, but no care needed just leave and let it do its thing
  4. aquatica-tech

    water change to help cycling????

    Originally Posted by mayB keeper Umm, I actually meant this for the op. So smt91278 that was for you. Sorry just trying to help
  5. aquatica-tech

    Two Questions

    Haha thats pretty funny Whats some other fish or invert or coral that will eat my Bristles ?
  6. aquatica-tech

    water change to help cycling????

    Originally Posted by mayB keeper What kind of filter do you have? Is it a hob canister, bio-wheel, ps or other? I'm a novice at reef tanks(see other posts and you'll see), but I've recently done a lot of research. My underqualified guess is that you need better filtration, more flow, and more...
  7. aquatica-tech

    Two Questions

    Bump any help
  8. aquatica-tech

    Why is my live rock turning white? Says the Newbie

    Originally Posted by Beth Actually coraline doesn't really need lighting, but it does need calcium. Its not unusual for new tanks to go through this. Coraline will die off, and be replaced by new growth. Aquatica, you can add calcium to your change water, making sure that it is well mixed...
  9. aquatica-tech

    Why is my live rock turning white? Says the Newbie

    Really sorry to steal part of the thread but how can I raise the calcium?
  10. aquatica-tech

    WTMake Remote Deep sandbed

    Whats a quick and easy way to make one?
  11. aquatica-tech

    Two Questions

    Im just planning on putting it in a community tank and I want to feed it enough that it wont eat my fishes But what about the shrimpies will they eat Fire/Bristleworms?
  12. aquatica-tech

    water change to help cycling????

    IM really sorry it was 10x turnover rate I looked at one of my old thread about me wondering if water flow affects a cycle
  13. aquatica-tech

    water change to help cycling????

    Originally Posted by smt91278 so im supposed to have 880gph flow in a 44 gallon tank? that seems a little high. with flow like that, you would think it would blow the sand all around the tank. please keep in mind, this is a 44 gallon corner tank. Well im going by what most of the people say...
  14. aquatica-tech

    water change to help cycling????

    Originally Posted by smt91278 i have a hang-on filter, and a maxi-jet 600 running ever sinse the tank was filled with water. i have 50 play-sand bed. i dont have any live rock yet. im going to put my first order in for 25lbs, but don't want to make my cycling problem any worse. I just...
  15. aquatica-tech

    new to fuges

    Originally Posted by fishfreak1242 Which is better, HOB or beneath the tank in the stand? I think that both the HOB or the under would be adequate enough to have a sufficient enough Chaeto but your undertank might hold more Macroalgae and other things that eat Detrius and keep nitrates down...
  16. aquatica-tech

    Two Questions

    First Question: Well im planning on getting a snowflake eel for my 55gallon if possible so im wondering how do I feed them and what can I feed them thats not too expensive? Second question: Do Fire Shrimp hunt and kill Bristle/Fireworms?
  17. aquatica-tech

    Snowflake Eel suggestion help

    Alrighty just wondering cause I would love to have one but I wouldnt like it making a snack out of my poor little fishes, im mostly having fish that only grow 3-4 inches max in there.
  18. aquatica-tech


    Originally Posted by Pontius marijuana basically already IS legal. at least in towns big enough that the police have more important things to do than go looking for dope smokers. should you be allowed to smoke it in public? absolutely not. do I endorse marijuana? no, I think it's a dumb drug...
  19. aquatica-tech

    What Is Miracle Mud

    No thank you for the mud I would like to grow some chaeto or caulpera some way but not a way thatll might clog my pump or make my tank look uglier than what it look now haha but thanks for all the input guys. Never put me down got to love the site and the people in it
  20. aquatica-tech

    What Is Miracle Mud

    Haha ok