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  1. aquatica-tech

    How long will this take?

    Well I gave up on buying Live Rock for my tank cause its so expensive over here, so I decided to buy around 25 pounds of dead rock and probrably 10 pounds of live rock on top of the 25 pounds I have already. Well im just wondering how long will it take for the dead rock to populate with...
  2. aquatica-tech

    New kid...

    well we have a 125 but I dont have the money to convert it to a salty, if I did I couldve haha. But good luck on it. Keep us updated on how your doing, itll be good if this'll be your little diary on how you progress. It will make you proud by how much you improved since you started.
  3. aquatica-tech

    Too Much in my tank?

    Yea 10 gallon is perfect for a QT tank but if I was you, you should keep the tank bare bottom with no LR or LS. Put a few PVC peices in there for hiding places and just a little heater and a simple HOB filter.
  4. aquatica-tech

    pics of my 55 gallon

    Such a beutiful tank, I hope my 55 can turn out like that
  5. aquatica-tech

    Suspending Lighting

    Well you can make your own legs
  6. aquatica-tech

    New kid...

    Wow your lucky you started off with a 125, im 17 also and im having a hard time getting the money to start it. Hey if you live in orlando hook me up with a job there But what are you planning on doing with this tank: FOWLR Or Reef or Fish Only ?
  7. aquatica-tech


    NO question is a stupid question, were here to help you. Well the tank should have 10x its its flow, or it depends on what type of tank you want to have of rexample: FOWLR or a Reef or Fish only
  8. aquatica-tech

    Is this lighting good enough for most soft corals?

    Haha yea right thats not mine but I really really really wish I can get that fish, I need to wait till my tanks stables out to get one
  9. aquatica-tech

    new shots of my 55 reef

    Ok thank you just wondering
  10. aquatica-tech

    Is this lighting good enough for most soft corals?

    48" 260W (4-65 watt) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture Planing on getting some zoos and those white flowery corals called palm palms or something like that and other corals that are SOFT
  11. aquatica-tech

    new shots of my 55 reef

    Is a 48" 260W (4-65 watt) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture good enough for the type of corals you have in that tank?
  12. aquatica-tech

    What to Feed?

    First of all you cant add more than 1 angel together in one tank
  13. aquatica-tech

    Just wondering if this is a good list

    What do you mean by that like if im getting any type of dwarf angel I shouldnt get any type of coral?
  14. aquatica-tech

    Can you ID this with no pic

    Naw not that either, it kinda looks like a Limpet but white and the shell isnt a perfect oval but kinda curved at the end
  15. aquatica-tech

    What do moon lights do?

    Alright thanks for the info guys
  16. aquatica-tech

    Can you ID this with no pic

    The first suggestion was no its not a flatworm but can someone post a pic of a sandskimmer or something like that, for some reason my computer cant see pictures And yes the second picture is right yea the bugs look like that
  17. aquatica-tech

    has anyone successfuly beat DINOFLAGELLATES?

    Well if there photosynthetic then leave your lights off for a few days and they should starve Im just making a suggestion
  18. aquatica-tech

    What do moon lights do?

    No im just seeing all of these light fixtures with moonlights and im just wondering how to use them so my tank wont get disturbed in any way, but no im not going to have any corals in my tank, probrably just zoos. But thank you for the info.
  19. aquatica-tech

    Can you ID this with no pic

    No they dont idk i just give up haha if something happenes to my tank then ill know I have to take them out
  20. aquatica-tech

    What do moon lights do?

    I have been wondering for the longest time what do Blue L.E.D. Moonlights do? IM planning on buying a light fixture and it has these and I want to use them correctly