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  1. aquatica-tech

    Watchman Goby Starving?

    Well im kinda thinking that your Goby had a favor of Pods and your tank might of ran out
  2. aquatica-tech

    Can a clownfish become depressed?

    Well of course a fish can fall into depression of some sort, they have a mind and feelings like any live creature would. You should put some type of damsel of the same breed and it might pair up or you can just let him sober up and get over it.
  3. aquatica-tech

    Firefish Goby

    Well you wouldnt want to have three in the first place cause they'll have a certain hierachy and pick on the weaker one and eat all the food and keep the weaker one with nothing. so your to firefish are great but i dont know about the purple being the third wheel unless you get two of those, but...
  4. aquatica-tech

    Just wondering if this is a good list

    Well with this list can I have any corals, im planning on have some zoo's
  5. aquatica-tech

    Just wondering if this is a good list

    OK thanks then what angel should I try first cause the other two I was thinking of is the Coral Beuty and the Flame Angel but I heard the coral beuty is also hard to take care of and the Flame Angel is a little aggresive when it gets aquanted with the tank.
  6. aquatica-tech

    first pics about to add water

    Wait for the ammonia to peak to 1.0ppm if it goes any higher do a water change so that the high levels wont kill anything beneficial in your tank.
  7. aquatica-tech

    Just wondering if this is a good list

    Yea of course im going to add about thirty or fourty more pounds of Live Rock, and the CBS I was ify about it cause he might want to pick fights and try to kill things so I decided that its a no for it.
  8. aquatica-tech

    ANy experiance with this thing

    Oh thats awsome but is there like a chance it might break the glass or do people push that precaution to much
  9. aquatica-tech

    ANy experiance with this thing

    Im just wondering about the sand depth cause I saw videos that they dig burrows and all I have is an 1" sand bed but if I get one I would add about 2" if necessary
  10. aquatica-tech

    ANy experiance with this thing

    Ok thank you for the recommendation really appreciate it but what about the pistol what would they need?
  11. aquatica-tech

    Is this necessary

    Ok thank you guys well once I get the Potter in my tank I will be asking some things you guys feed it. THANK YOU !!
  12. aquatica-tech

    ANy experiance with this thing

    Ok im thinking of getting me a pistol shrimp with a Diamond Goby. I have a 55 gallon tank with a sump and alot of flow. I was wondering what the requirements for these two creatures to be together. For ex: sand bed hight, how much rock work #'s and other specifications, please any help is awsome...
  13. aquatica-tech

    Just wondering if this is a good list

    Ok I was just wondering that pistol shrimps and Diamond Goby are paired but what exactly do the two do that makes them compatible, like the pistol kill and the Diamond eats or what
  14. aquatica-tech

    Feather Duster...

    Might be a nudibranch or something
  15. aquatica-tech

    starting cycle

    Dude you need live rock to start off a foundation for the beneficial bacteria that transfer ammonia into good gases so itll be good to just get like 3 pounds. 1 rock will be good for a certain time but remember the cycle will take longer with less rock
  16. aquatica-tech

    Rusty Color on Live Rocks and Sand???

    Well your tank is still new and is going to go through stages and this is one of em. But im not going to keep going with this cause I dont want to seem like a fool haha but im just throwing a suggestion it might be im really sorry
  17. aquatica-tech

    Rusty Color on Live Rocks and Sand???

    IM new to the hobby but just guessing its Diatom, again I might be wrong
  18. aquatica-tech

    starting cycle

    Put one raw cocktail shrimp in the tank, but if you see your ammonia reaching more than 1.0ppm then you have to do a water change cause if it goes over that, it might kill all your beneficial hitchhikers your rocks came with it. But when it gets above 1.0 do a water change ASAP and keep your...
  19. aquatica-tech

    first tank!!!!

    Looks nice, what are you planning on it to be ? FOWLR or Reef