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  1. aquatica-tech

    Is this necessary

    Well I have a low budget and planning on having a FOWLR, I have a 55 Gallon Long. Well I have around 25 pounds of live rock and already made my stock list that consists of 10 small fish. So I was wondering would it be fine for the rock level to be a low profile like for example a little lower...
  2. aquatica-tech


  3. aquatica-tech


    Ok, well im planning on getting me one of these octopus skimmers are they any good, there like 150 dollars. To me that seems good for the price
  4. aquatica-tech


    Are Odyssea Skimmers any good
  5. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    HAHA I found out that I have to buy a directional peice, thats a bummer though UUHH I guess I have to buy a little ol peice that probrably costs like 20 bucks
  6. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    Im thinking that different models have different peices
  7. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    "very well i use it in the 55gal with out one." I didnt get it, you telling me to try to return it or leave it in there cause I kinda positioned it that it flow below it and then forward and behind it to flow every part its at.
  8. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    Naw it didnt come with that Should I go to them and tell them that its missing something? And again should I put it on the side as the picture shows if I had that grid
  9. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    I got a Hydor Koralia,in the picture that looks like a Maxi Or you telling me thats were I should place it?
  10. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    I dont see a ring of some sort but it has the cover on it already, is there something missing then?
  11. aquatica-tech

    Test Kit

    I use RedSea Marine Lab
  12. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    I understand to put it on the left and right but is it on the side glass or the back wall? and how should I position them cause these are so weird
  13. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    Hey Keith thanks for the idea of the return pump, but like I notice that the Koralias dont pump straight forward they pump to the sides or at least three and one hole is kinda dead.
  14. aquatica-tech

    Were should Koralia should be placed

    Yea I just bought one and planning on getting another so I was wondering can I get a picture of were they need to be placed and positioned so that the water is just about the flow I need. I have a 55 gallon long with an over flow box and the return pump from the sump on the right side. Im...
  15. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    oooohhh that sounds good, and for zoos what do I need for them? Like that adequate lighting and such
  16. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    ANy help and suggestions
  17. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

  18. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    Ok ok im not responding really quickly cause im using my cousins computer and hes on it all the time so im trying to reply ASAP, But I have a 55 Gallon Long thats is Goin to be FOWLR tank I would like to have some zoos though. I am planning on getting one more Koralia #1 or 2 and the skimmer. I...
  19. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    Well I just bought a Koralia #2 that pumps 600 gph plus the return pump from the sump that pumps 500gph is this enough or should I add at least a Koralia #1 for safe measure. I see decent amount of surface tention but not like large current shifts. And I was wondering, I see this type of film...
  20. aquatica-tech

    Does this affect a cycle

    No problem monk, I kinda knew that you werent talking to me. Thank you again guys