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  1. balistidae


    that is should skip the tangs and clowns
  2. balistidae

    is this a titan??

    northern reefer posted this pic saying it was a juvenile titan...i am just wondering if it is cuz my friend just bought the identical fish from the LFS and it was labelled a yellow face trigger. Also it is about 4" and it was only 30 dollars and i know titans are quite expensive...just...
  3. balistidae

    Green Bubbles

    emerald crabs are the ultimate fort that business
  4. balistidae

    Titan Trigger Pics

    bump..what is that first pic
  5. balistidae

    Titan Trigger Pics

    hey northern reefer....are you sure that first picture you posted isnt of a yellowface trigger??? or is it a juvenile titan>>
  6. balistidae

    im going aggressive boys

    agressive is the only way to go
  7. balistidae

    Has anyone EVER seen their puffer actually puff up???

    when i got my dogface he puffed up in the net and popped out and stayed puffed and floating in the bag the whole way home
  8. balistidae

    Mantis Tank Pics

    how much did that puppy cost? and what do you feed it?
  9. balistidae

    help with my quarantine

  10. balistidae

    help with my quarantine

    sorry guys about all the posts lately but i really want this undulate to live. Right now i have an 18 gallon rubbermaid half full of saltwater with an airstone . what salinity do i need. how do i go about caring for the fish while he is in quarantine...feeding etc.. thanks!!ANY help will be...
  11. balistidae

    is my girlfriend crazy??

    haha ok man i will ask her..She is already bringing me home an article on how dangerous triggers are.
  12. balistidae

    is my girlfriend crazy??

    My girlfriend is in cairns australlia right now. They were snorkelling in the great barrier reef and the dive master told them that a new species of triggerfish has been found. She didnt have any scientific names (she only pretends to know anything about fish) but is this true?? Also she has...
  13. balistidae


    i think that i will set that up tomorrow. what is the name of the mdicine i need to treat him with??? thanks!! thanks for all the replies guys!!
  14. balistidae


    He is in a 72 with a niger and a tomato clown...he is much bigger than both of them ( i am not expecting the niger and tomato to be in there long). I think the eye bubble is from a wound because whenever i get close he takes off like a mad man and i wouldnt be surprised if he hit something. I...
  15. balistidae


    how long can the thing live though without eating..i am about 20 feet away from the tank right now and i can see him swimming around but as soon as i get close he hides and doesnt get to eat all the other fish eat it. what do i do??thanx
  16. balistidae


  17. balistidae


    he doesnt look too skinny is just one eye...with a buble over it sort of..Thanks!!
  18. balistidae


    how long can a 3" undulate go without eating??? I am startin to get worried thanks!!
  19. balistidae


    its more like a bubble