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  1. balistidae


    is there any way to make this fish eat??
  2. balistidae


  3. balistidae


    I have had an undulate for about 6 days and he has been behind the rocks the entire time. I caught a glimpse of him today and i noticed he has sort of a "bubble" over one of his eyes. What is this and how would i treat it. Would this be why he has been hiding??thanks!!
  4. balistidae


    I have had an undulate for about 6 days and he has been behind the rocks the entire time. I caught a glimpse of him today and i noticed he has sort of a "bubble" over one of his eyes. What is this and how would i treat it. Would this be why he has been hiding??thanks!!
  5. balistidae

    coloration on my niger trigger

    mine changes from a light blue to a greenish
  6. balistidae

    Puffer didn't eat snails!

    your snails arent out of danger yet
  7. balistidae

    is this normal??

    that sucks...if i try feeding live do you think he will go after it
  8. balistidae

    is this normal??

    i just got a 2.5 inch undulate and he has been behind all the rockwork ever since i put him in there. which has been about 4 days. he wont even come out at feeding time..should i be worrieD??
  9. balistidae

    undulate diet

    what is zoe?? when you got your undulate did he hide for a few days??
  10. balistidae


    what triggers can be mixed with a 6 line wrasse?? thanks
  11. balistidae

    undulate diet

    whats the ideal diet for an undulate
  12. balistidae


    i have a 2.5 inch niger trigger and i am wondering if i could add a LARGE CBS to the tank. My main question is how would i go about feeding it if i got one??? thanks
  13. balistidae

    Mantis in Refugium?

    if that tank isnt acrylic i wouldnt do it
  14. balistidae

    come fast i really need your help fast!!!!!

    i would recheck your trites and ammonia...salinity bet is that it probably just stress from living with that lion
  15. balistidae

    will it work

    i have a 2" niger trigger who is quite tame and i am wondering if it would be safe to add a cbs???thanks!
  16. balistidae

    anyone heard of a black dogface puffer?

    the one with the mask is a panda puffer
  17. balistidae

    PICS OF HAMMAR CORAL (Euphyllia Ancora)

    my god what kind of cameras are you two using (reef fool and ryebread)
  18. balistidae

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    bring on the undulate and titan setups!
  19. balistidae

    scared fish

    sounds like you bought a lemon:cool:
  20. balistidae

    scared fish

    i just added a niger trigger to my tank about 2 days ago and every time i get close to the tank he will take cover and not come out till im there any way i can "train" him out of this??