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  1. balistidae

    Lighting is stressing me out!

    also you should check out some t5 lights
  2. balistidae

    niger fangs

    i have seen larger specimens with 2 big fangs that stick out of their mouth like a vampire
  3. balistidae

    niger fangs

    at what size do nigers get the red fangs??
  4. balistidae

    T5 system anyone?

    the t5s come in 2 foot and 4 foot lengths
  5. balistidae

    Picasso Trigger, how aggressive?

    i have kept a couple picassos and they aer quite agressive...soon enought evverything on that likst would be eaten
  6. balistidae

    sand sifter..

    i have about a 1.5" niger and my sand bed is a mess..i am wondering what i could add to clean this up?? thx
  7. balistidae

    Hey northern_reefer! Sorry, more trigger questions.

    i have a 3.5 " undulate and i am wondering what i could keep with him..he is in a 45 and alrady becoming an agressive beast
  8. balistidae


    i just moved my tank using buckets and what went pretty well but definately be prepared for a "mini" cycle
  9. balistidae

    Fish suggestions for 100gal

    your cbs is in for a beating from your picasso man....look out!!
  10. balistidae

    sfe eel jumped out

    jumoed out of the tank on to the ground??
  11. balistidae

    The Tank is in

    how to these barracudas respond to live food?? thanks!!
  12. balistidae

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    definately a dogface i have had two!!! Sweet fish man... have fun!!
  13. balistidae

    new to aggressive

    mixing lions and agressive triggers such as the picasso is not a good idea. welcome to the agressive board!!!
  14. balistidae

    a brittle star in trigger tank?

    dont even try it man
  15. balistidae

    Finally took pics of my tank.!.!

    undulates are the most unpredictable fish i have ever seen...nothings safe
  16. balistidae

    Anymore fish for my tank??

    i have cycled my tank twice with a tomato and it is always almost nearly impossible to add another small fish once the tomato becomes dominant
  17. balistidae

    New Tank

    looks good what do you have for lighting in there?
  18. balistidae

    Invert check...1....2...

    that is about the bare minimum for a tank of that size....a few more hermits wont hurt..just make sure you watch the porky and make sure he isnt mowing any of big is he anyways?
  19. balistidae

    New Additions

    what are the feedings like with that monster??
  20. balistidae

    Triggers Hide ???

    every trigger i have ever owned has done the hiding thing from 2 days all the way up to a couple weeks so dont worry