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  1. salisbury a d

    Moving Help

    Are you sure there is no one like family. Try educating your friends they may listen. I know I would not sell. Is this moving thing for this year only or for every year to come. Adam
  2. salisbury a d


    I have the Lee's counter current inside the tank run off a air pump skimmer. I know it is crapy but my parents will not give me any more money for it and no one will hire me either because they want someone fifteen or because I am small for my age. So I will upgrade when I can. Adam
  3. salisbury a d

    Adding a new fish

    The "agressive" tank really isn't agressive, the fish are pansies and freak out when I enter the room. The minow has his own burrow in the cc but mainly hides in the roots of the floating plants. He is a good algae cleaner I'll tell you that. Adam
  4. salisbury a d


    I add Phytoplex, CoralVite, a calcium suppliment, and iodine once a week. Adam
  5. salisbury a d


    Yes, two of the chemicals have color. One is blue the other is green. Adam
  6. salisbury a d


    Anyone? Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Adding a new fish

    All I know is it is a one inch minow I caught in a marsh in March then I acclimated it to fresh water and it has been living in my fresh water "aggresive" tank witha jeweled chiclid green terror and a blue gourami and is still alive. Adam [ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  8. salisbury a d


    I added reef supliments yesterday but why now is it doing this when I have always added these chemicals since my first coral I bought. Adam
  9. salisbury a d


    I added reef supliments yesterday but why now is it doing this when I have always added these chemicals since my first coral I bought. Adam :confused:
  10. salisbury a d


    Yes I mean blueish green! adam
  11. salisbury a d

    "Hurricane" simulation

    Anyone Adam
  12. salisbury a d


    Why is the scum in the scum cup of my protien skimmer aqua colored?????!!!!!!~!!! What is why is it like this????!!!! ARe my fish and corals going to die?!!! Help !!!! Adam :confused: :( :eek: :confused:
  13. salisbury a d

    Adding a new fish

    A few months ago I went to the marsh here in Wickford and caught a minow for my aquarium. Just out of curiosity I acclimated it to fresh water and it has been alive since March. I was wondering if I could acclimate it back to salt water and introduce it to my reef? If that the heat of the reef...
  14. salisbury a d

    aquarium oil spill

    It is not harmful to your tank but it is unsightly. I you have an overflow that should help get rid of it. Adam
  15. salisbury a d

    Which coral

    My tank size is actually 46 gallons. Someone said that I should move my hard corals closer to the top. The cup coral is thriving down at the bottom and at the lfs the guy had it in a dark corner of his tank and was and is now doing fine. Adam [ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
  16. salisbury a d


    I went to the lfs yesterday and saw a beautiful fleshy pink and green anemone. It was only about two inches in diameter. This one was living with its foot in the sand at the bottom of the tank. The lighting on the tank looked like standard flourescents but could have been vho. My question is...
  17. salisbury a d

    suggestions on sand sifters

    If you are thinking of a goby I once wanted to do this but I was turned down on the idea. Once the goby sifts all the sand and there is nothing left to eat the fish wastes away. Try adding another powerhead. I you have more water movement the ditritus should become suspended in the water for a...
  18. salisbury a d

    Which coral

    I have pc lighting three bulbs at 55 watts each. Two of the bulbs have a kelvin of 9325. The other is atinic and I do not know the k. I have 30 pounds of lr and 38 pounds of ls. I have a protien skimmer a wet dry filter and I add suppliments to the tank once a week. So far I have no corals that...
  19. salisbury a d

    Non-pulsing xenia

    I know this is kinda over due but I read that in captivity if the conditions are better than what they need the will stop pulsing. Isn't what they pulse for is oxygen. You may have a high level of dissolved oxygen. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    "Hurricane" simulation

    I just recently heard of this and was wondering what the steps to doing this are. Do I remove the corals from the tank? Do I shut down all filters? About how long is the norm for clean up after? Do you recamend doing it? Do I remove the fish? Adam