Search results

  1. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    The hair algae started to grow on the branch lr around Feb. Since then it has slowly spread to the other pieces and some of the hard corals. The lights are kind of old two of them have been in since Dec. and the other one was just replaced. I do scrub the branchy lr but It is just not worth...
  2. salisbury a d

    Yes or no?

    Really a 46 gallon to small a book I have sayes 50 not to much bigger. Any way. I have a lawnmower but the thing is so damn lazy it waits for the brine and flakes. The reason I wanted a yellow tang was for the color and I did a search on hair algae and the yellow tang came up alot for a source...
  3. salisbury a d

    Yes or no?

    Is it a good idea to add a yellow tang to a 46 gallon tank to reduce the amount of hair algae. Will it grow to large will it destroy the corals and other critters? Is it peaceful? Do you recamend it? The reason I do not want a larger hermit beside the blue legs is I had three medium sized...
  4. salisbury a d

    reef newbi has ?????

    I would suggest that you cycle the live rock in a heated bucket with a powerhead. The nitrate may end up killing what you already have. I have never had a leather coral but I do have two moon polyps that are extremely hardy. They were on a piece of lr that I baught and they both survived the...
  5. salisbury a d


    I agree with the above. Take back the tang. Damsels, well that seems risky to my once established they become little devils and tail nippers. YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN. Last do you have live rock? If not I would not sugjest getting any corals. Even if you did I still wouldn't. There are to many...
  6. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    At the time of the snail deaths the tests reveiled: Nitrate:0 Nitrite:0 PH:8.2 Ammonia:0 Temp.:83 Salinity:1.021/2ish Alkalinity:2 Phosphate:.1 ish I have three 55 watt bulbs. PC. two white one atinic. 46 gallon tank protien skimmer. wet/dry sump 30 lbs lr 30 lbs ls two percula clowns one...
  7. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    I am going to the pet store tomarrow. Do you guys think it is a good idea to get a yellow tang to reduce the hair? Adam
  8. salisbury a d

    What a mess

    Don't tell my parents but I just don't trust them. I am afraid they might screw something up or kill something. My mom she is always bugging me, "Why don't you feed them more, look they are hungry, how would you like it if I didn't feed you for a couple of days." Just to be safe I package a...
  9. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    @Knight. What kind of angel do you have. I would do the rock scrubbing but it is so hard to get back the way I like it and there is so many other different kinds of algae growing too. My tank has been set up since November. Adam
  10. salisbury a d

    What a mess

    In different areas of the tank the colour changes. Some areas are light grey, some pale red, grey, and very deep brown and green. Snails always die in my tank I have blue leg herimts and a lawnmower blennie and a watchman goby. Adam
  11. salisbury a d

    I need a thumbs up/opinions from you guys

    Maxx I was turning down all web sites that sell lr. I never said I knew of a reputalble site. You think 7.50 is expensive the lowest I could find without driving to Mass was 9.95. And I baught maybe the best pieces the store has ever had. See buying online you could get forty lbs of one rock...
  12. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    I was thinking about getting a Yellow tang but will it grow to big for a 46 gallon tank? Or what about an angel? I have a lawnmower blennie but it is lazy and waits for the flakes and brine. I have tried hermits but I found one of the eating my corals and snails always die on me. Adam
  13. salisbury a d

    Glass cleaning survey

    I use a magnetic glass cleaner every day because I can not stand a brown film blocking the view. Once a week I use a glass cleaner the ones like a crubbing pad on a stick to get rid of what the other one doesn't. Adam
  14. salisbury a d

    I need a thumbs up/opinions from you guys

    I don't mean to scare away this web site and other's costumers but you said you were going to order live rock on line. First off you should do price checks at the local stores and you want good rock right? If you buy online you don't know the quality of the rock and you can not specifically...
  15. salisbury a d

    Hair algae

    I have had hair algae since my tank finished cycling and hate it. I keep tring to get rid of it but it keeps growing back. What fish or inverts will eat it? I have tried snails but they always die. And I do have blue leg hermits. Adam
  16. salisbury a d

    Lighintg ??

    My tank is a bow front 46 and has two light hoods on it. 36" and I think a 18". They have three bulds at 55 watts each. The 36 hood has two whitelights and are on the back side of the top. The 18" has an atinic light and is in the front. What I want to know is can I get ride of the atinic light...
  17. salisbury a d

    What a mess

    I went on vacation to Nova Scotia for a week and got back last night around nine. I didn't even turn on the light I was afraid of what I might see. Well today I took a look. It was horrible, film algae all over the sand and glass and my parents told me my scooter dragonet died while I was away...
  18. salisbury a d


    When ever I am trying to get rid of leftovers or I just want to suck the ditritus off the rocks I get my siphon for water changes. I attach an old white sock to one end with those rubber bands pet stores use to tie bags with and put that end in the sump. I then start the siphon going by putting...
  19. salisbury a d

    Yellow watchman Goby

    Does anyone know anything about this fish. I just purchased one and was wondering if it will perform as a sand sifter or will it just sit there wiating for food? Anything on it. Thanks. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    xmas tree?

    Since I have never had these corals I will type info from a book. First off they are listed as hard to keep corals for the expert. The Genus Porites Link, 1807 The name derives from the Latin word porus meaning pore and the Greek ites which when added to the end of a word denotes similarity. The...