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  1. salisbury a d

    Which coral

    I plan on going to the non lfs and puchasing a new coral. What are some good hardy corals that are not to preditory. Any suggestions a welcome. Adam
  2. salisbury a d


    I have the same test kit and it is accurate. It is most likely the one you baught. The saltwater master test kit has the four basics and I also have and extra nitrate test kit from the MarineEnterprises international,inc. Both the Master test kit and the extra one reveal the nitrate is 0. Adam
  3. salisbury a d


    This sux I just looked in my tank to find my cleaner shrimp eating one of the snails. I mean the thing cost me 2.50. I hate that shrimp all it does is take up space and the fish are afraid of it. Adam
  4. salisbury a d


    They are Atlantic Turbo Snails. Adam
  5. salisbury a d


    Yesterday I bought I think they were labeled turbo snails. Two of them. ANd still today they do not want to move around. Is it normal for newly introduced snails to do this? Adam
  6. salisbury a d

    LR and Coral

    Most lr purchased as cured is really not. My lr was "supposubly cured" When I got home and got smell of what I bought I knew it definatly was not cured. Adam
  7. salisbury a d

    Tank of Death!!

    I agree get a few good books and read them all. What I add to my tank for suppliments is a calcium chemical by Seachem and Coral Vite and Phytoplex both by Kent. They seem to do good and have feeding instructions on them. They say to add a capfull once a week so I still stand with the...
  8. salisbury a d

    Sand ??

    I currently have 28 pounds of live sand in my tank which is 46 gallons with 30 pounds of lr. 20 of the 28 pounds of sand was live sand and the 8 was not. I would like to add more sand but do I have to add live sand? Also my tank has been set up since november. Thanks Adam
  9. salisbury a d

    Tank of Death!!

    You mentioned you added 1/2 of the iodine calcium mixture and also 30 mLs of feeder food every other day. DId you add the 1/2 of mixture in one day. That and the 30 mLs is I would say over feeding. Read the labels they should give you feeding instructions. The shrinkage of the previos mushroom...
  10. salisbury a d

    Brineshrimp hatching

    I was thinking, Could I take brineshrimp eggs and inject them into the holes and caves in my live rock to hatch? Or is this a bad Idea? Has anyone done this before? thanks Adam
  11. salisbury a d

    Mandarin Goby and Lawnmower Blenny

    I think it was Grouperhead that said you need at least 100 pounds of lr and you need ls. When I got my scooter dragonet I had and still have about 30 pounds lr and when I got the fish I had dolimite. But I have since changed to sand. The fish is still goin' strong and healthy. No pinched flanks...
  12. salisbury a d

    Mandarin Goby and Lawnmower Blenny

    TeeTee. I, right now, am looking 2pics. One of a scooter dragonet and one of a scooter blennie. So not to be rude but they are two species. When you buy a scooter dragonet it is most likely going to be a dragonet. Also the scooter blennie has a more ornate first dorsale fin and lacks the large...
  13. salisbury a d


    I got it in November. I did just replace the air defuser but even before I did the stupid thing was still throwing out pure water. Adam
  14. salisbury a d


    Is it possible there is nothing for my skimmer to remove or is it craping out on me? My tank is 46 gallons, nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ammonia 0 ph 8.2 phosphate 0 alkalinity 2. The skimmer is a Lees counter current run off an air pump. Well the thing is it is just removing water and at a fast rate...
  15. salisbury a d

    Is it possible

    I was just looking at my branch cualestrea (spelling). A while back I posted that it was dying it was I think "I'm loosing one". Well lately it has been recovering but I think it is being eaten. On the branches that were dying is a sort of transparent white hard curling shell. Whatever is in it...
  16. salisbury a d

    What happened

    It is just a tiny branch a cm or less. The Gorgonian was my second caral and to BurnNSPY's words is healthy. The polyps are rarly open maybe twice a week or three. the gorgonian is small its self around 4 inches tall. In direct current and has the strongest light compared to other corals in the...
  17. salisbury a d

    What happened

    One of the branches to my Green Lace gorgonian fell off. Could it be budding or do I have a problem? Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    How to physically build a reef out of LR?

    Another plastic structure is just pvc pipes as a lr rack. My Lr is just doing an amazing balancing act on bleeched coral in the center of the tank. Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    Switching from cc to sand

    I did this a couple months ago. If you want the fish keep them. What you gotta do is get a bucket or a cooler and put your live rock in it and put wet paper towels over them. Next get another bucket for the fish and corals. Since you have no corals this bucket will just be fish. Airate the...
  20. salisbury a d

    Yes or No?

    I have decided to add one net full approximately a handfull a day till it is all in my tank. THe first handfull against all odds actually looks good in the corner of the tank. Adam